- Japan is an island country. 日本是个岛国。
- Japan is in Eastern Asia. It is an island chain between the North Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, east of the Korean Peninsula. 日本位于东亚,是北太平洋和日本海之间的列岛,在朝鲜半岛的东面。
- Voice-over: Singapore is an island country located near the equator, at the southern part of the Malay Peninsular. 王老师对于新加坡的教育方式特别关注。
- Indonesia is an island country, consisting of as many as 3, 000 islands. 印尼是个岛国,由3000 个岛屿所组成的。
- K is an island country, and England is the first largest island in Europe.He has a winded seacoast, and the total length is 11.450km. 英国是一个岛国,大不列颠岛是欧洲第一大岛,海岸非常曲折,长达11,450公里。
- Japan is an oil-importing country. 日本是一个石油进口国。
- Japan is an island nation located on the Pacific Ocean, east of China and Korea, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea in the south. 翻译: 日本是一个岛国,位于太平洋,东部的中国和韩国,从鄂霍次克海在北部的东中国海南部。
- Cyprus, as you know, is an island in the Mediterranean. 如你所知,塞浦路斯是地中海的岛国。
- so? wuts ur point? there is nothing to do with Japan, and Japan is just an island country, China doesn' 啊?你的意思是?这和日本一点关系都没有,日本只是个岛国,中国根本不屑于去打它,因为几千次地震就能摧毁它了。
- Tachen is an island off the coast of Zhejiang. 大陈是离浙江海岸不远的一个岛。
- Japan is an extremely aggressive nation. 日本是个侵略性极强的民族。
- Ceylon is an island at the south of India. 锡兰是印度南边的一个岛。
- Not only England,but every Englishman is an island. 不单止英格兰,每一个英国人也是一个小岛。
- Japan is the island country who is encircled by the sea all round and its precipitation is plentiful because of the affection of the marine climate. 摘要日本是四面环海的岛国,受到海洋气候的影响,岛上降水丰沛。
- No man is an island, entire of itself. 人非完全自立自足的孤岛。
- Dongtou is an island not far from Wenzhou. 旁白:洞头是离温州不远的一处海岛。
- Taiwan is an island off the east coast of China. 台湾是离中国东海岸不远的一个岛屿.
- Taiwan is an island off the Mailand. 台湾是大陆以外的一个岛屿。
- Off the coast is an island owned at that time by Rudolf Nureyev. 在海岸不远处有一个属于鲁道夫·纽瑞耶夫的小岛。
- Japan is an barbarous and obscene and shameless and sick country, must eliminate them ! ! 日本是个野蛮下流无耻恶心的国家,必须把他们消灭!!