- Japan Taiwan relations 日台关系
- In another breath, he reiterated his pledge to abide by the Taiwan Relations Act. 但讲完后他又重申美国对《与台湾关系法》的承诺。
- Concerning the Taiwan Relations Act, this is a unilateral document on the part of the United States. 第一句话,与台湾关系法》是美国单方面的文件。
- And second,from the very beginning,China has been opposed to the so-called Taiwan Relations Act. 第二句话,中国从一开始就坚决反对所谓《与台湾关系法》
- In another breath,he reiterated his pledge to abide by the Taiwan Relations Act. 但讲完后他又重申美国对《与台湾关系法》的承诺。
- Concerning the Taiwan Relations Act,this is a unilateral document on the part of the United States. 第一句话,《与台湾关系法》是美国单方面的文件。
- Regrettably,however,scarcely three months after the event,a so-called Taiwan Relations Act was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by the President. 但遗憾的是,中美建交不过三个月,美国国会竟通过了所谓《与台湾关系法》,并经美国总统签署生效。
- When Jimmy Carter served as President,Sino-U.S. relations witnessed new development. However,in the latter period of President Carter's term,there was the Taiwan Relations Act. 在卡特总统任内,中美关系有了新的发展,但在他任期的后一阶段,有一个《与台湾关系法》。
- Regrettably, however, scarcely three months after the event, a so-called Taiwan Relations Act was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by the President. 但遗憾的是,中美建交不过三个月,美国国会竟通过了所谓《与台湾关系法》,并经美国总统签署生效。
- Deng: Most regrettably, during the latter period of the Carter Administration, the U.S. Congress adopted the Taiwan Relations Act, which has become an immense obstacle in Chinese-U.S. relations. 邓:很遗憾地说,在卡特执政的后期,美国国会通过了《与台湾关系法》,这就变成了中美关系的一个很大的障碍。
- The Carter Administration [1977-1981] committed itself to the withdrawal of American troops from Taiwan,but at the same time it adopted the Taiwan Relations Act,which constituted interference in China's internal affairs. 卡特在位的时候,承诺从台湾撤军,同时又通过了一个《与台湾关系法》,这个《与台湾关系法》就是干涉中国内政。
- Deng: Most regrettably,during the latter period of the Carter Administration,the U.S. Congress adopted the Taiwan Relations Act,which has become an immense obstacle in Chinese-U.S. relations. 邓:很遗憾地说,在卡特执政的后期,美国国会通过了《与台湾关系法》,这就变成了中美关系的一个很大的障碍。
- Our relations with Japan needed a reappraisal. 我们与日本的关系需要重新作出评价。
- Neither the SFPT nor the Taiwan Relations Act nor any other legal instrument terminated the agency relationship between the United States and the ROC for the purpose of the occupation and administration of Taiwan. 旧金山和约、湾关系法还是其他法律文件,都不曾结束过美国与中华民国之间,在占据与管理台湾上的代理关系。
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan. 毫无疑问,他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。
- The film actors are on location in Japan. 电影演员在日本拍摄外景。
- He was appointed the general consul of Japan. 他被任命为驻日本的总领事。
- Do you remember taking a trip to Japan with him? 你记得曾经和他到日本旅行吗?