- Japan Research Reactor 日本研究反应堆
- Research reactor fuel transport in the U.K. 英国研究堆燃料运输。
- Iran, under the Shah, opens its nuclear programme with a 5-megawatt light-water research reactor supplied by the US. 年,在伊朗国王统治时期,美国援助伊朗启动5兆瓦轻水反应堆建设项目。
- The enriched uranium was used in a Soviet-designed research reactor near Tashkent, described as the largest of its kind in Central Asia. 这批浓缩铀过去是在塔什干附近前苏联设计的一个研究反应堆使用的,这个反应堆被称为是中亚同类反应堆中最大的一个。
- This paper presents the recent activities of IAEA on the research reactor safety,and the trends in the future. 简要介绍了国际原子能机构(IAEA)近年来在研究堆开发与安全管理方面的重要举措,以及未来发展的趋势。
- Especially the study on rapidly-developing research areas which got by using bibliometrics analysis, content analysis, Japan抯 research level of these areas are discussed. 重点介绍实施方案中如何利用文献计量分析确定快速发展的研究领域、对这些领域的内容分析以及这些研究领域中日本的研究水平分析。
- China Advanced Research Reactor(CARR)is a multipurpose and high performance research reactor. 中国先进研究堆(CARR)是一座多用途、高性能指标的研究堆。
- They buy the most common type from MDS Nordion in Kanata, Ontario, or the Uniersity of Missouri Research Reactor Center. 他们从安大略省或密苏里州研究反应堆中心买了最常见的类型。
- These results provide numerical basis of the design of helium cryogenic cooling system of CNS for China advanced research reactor (CARR). 本研究为中国先进研究堆冷中子源氦制冷系统的设计提供了数值基础。
- The prompt neutron decay constant was measured by using reactor noise technology at delayed criticality for 300# pool research reactor. 利用反应堆噪声分析技术测量300%23池式研究堆缓发临界下的瞬发中子衰减常数。
- In May this year, Japan and Japan Research Institute estimated that Lenovo management is actively looking for acquisitions, and Toshiba and Fujitsu Siemens are all potential targets. 今年5月,日本大和研究所预计,联想管理层正在积极寻找收购计划,而东芝和富士通西门子都是潜在目标。
- The Main circulating pumps are the most important equipments of Reactor Cooling System (RCS)of China Advanced Research Reactor(CARR). 主循环泵机组是CARR反应堆冷却剂系统中的主要设备。
- These distinguishing features reflected the advanced merit,safety performance,economics and innovatives of CARR and the present level of research reactor design in China. 这些设计特点,体现了CARR设计的先进性、安全性、经济性和创新性,是我国研究堆设计水平的具体体现。
- The reactor coolant system(RCS)is one of the most important systems of China Advanced Research Reactor(CARR),which is used to cool the core when the reactor is running. 反应堆冷却剂系统(RCS)是中国先进研究堆(CARR)的重要系统之一,反应堆运行时,通过其将堆芯的热量带出,该系统的安全有效运行是反应堆安全运行的必要保证。
- Based on SimPort simulation platform of nuclear power plant,a simulation model for Digital Power Regulating System(DPRS) of China Advanced Research Reactor(CARR) was established. 某新型研究堆采用新型燃料元件和堆芯结构,反应堆的控制特性缺乏基本数据,功率调节系统的设计无可借鉴经验。
- The auto-startup and power regulating system (APRS) of China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) is a nonlinear digital closed loop control system, which is first designed in China. 中国先进研究堆(CARR)自动开堆及功率调节系统是一个由我国自主设计的非线性数字闭环控制系统。
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- In order to ensure the safety of reactor,CARR(China Advanced Research Reactor)set up the Mitigation system for Anticipate Transient Without Scram(ATWS)besides reactor protection system(RPS). 作者单位:中国原子能科学研究院反应堆工程研究设计所;
- He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan. 毫无疑问,他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。
- In order to carry out power transient tests for PWR fuel element in China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR), the research and conceptual design of 3He pressure control loop were completed. 摘要为使中国先进研究堆(CARR)具备开展压水堆燃料瞬态试验的能力,本工作对氦-3回路进行研究与初步设计。