- Japan Oriental Leasing Company 日本东方租赁公司
- The leasing company must provide technical and repair services. 出租人有义务提供技术和维修服务。
- The leasing company will have to find out whether its customer will be able to make the contractual rental payments. 租赁公司要调查出客户能否按合同规定付清租金。
- Lederer formed a leasing company and leased new vehicles to Mirkin. 莱德勒成立了租赁公司和租赁新车辆莫金。
- The leasing company: it knows the requirements of its customers and keeps in close contact with them. 租赁公司:租赁公司了解客户的需要并与其保持密切的联系。
- By 2007, when TPG began considering the investment, it was the largest leasing company in China by some measures. 到2007年前TPG开始考虑入股时,根据某些衡量标准,日新租赁已成为中国最大的租赁公司。
- For the establishment of a finance leasing company, the principal contributor shall, as the applicant, file an application to the CBRC. 设立金融租赁公司,应由主要出资人作为申请人向中国银行业监督管理委员会提出申请。
- The bank of lessee: where it considers leasing to be the most advantageous possibility, it will advise the customer accordingly, and put him into contact with a leasing company. 租赁方的银行:当租赁方的银行认为租赁是最佳方法时,会通知顾客,帮助他与租赁公司达成协议。
- Fengtai, Beijing Construction Machinery Leasing Repair Depot is located in Fengtai big Wayao Village 66 is a very powerful repair of construction machinery leasing company. 北京市丰台建筑机械租赁修理站坐落于丰台大瓦窑村66号,是一个很有实力建筑机械租赁修理公司。
- Leasing Company Ltd. 租赁有限公司
- The company has branch out into car leasing. 该公司业务范围已扩大到汽车租赁。
- I need some time to orient my thinking. 我需要一些时间来使我的思想适应。
- Such a provision would mean "the old wall door" to protect the market has been opened a crack, but also for the time, showing China's ancient architectural leasing company planted a footnote. 这种规定意味着“老墙门”保护已经向市场敞开了一条缝,同时也为盛世民古屋等公司的古建筑租赁埋下了注脚。
- Reinforcing the image of Hotai as number one car leasing company: through the publication of magazine to remind customers that, Hotai can satisfy every need--software and hardware,... 强化租车第一品牌的形象:透过杂志,延续无论是硬体或软体,都将足以让客户满意的品牌形象。
- The endless lea will purify your thought. 一望无际的草原会净化你的思想。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。
- This oriental legend is fascinating. 这个东方传说很吸引人。
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- Every business deals with banks, leasing companies, insurance companies, and similar financial institutions on matters of finance. 每家公司都要与银行,租赁公司,保险公司和类似的财政机构有财政上的往来。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。