- Japan National Oil Corporation 日本国家石油公司
- Mr Liveris has also reduced Dow's debt and adopted an“ asset light” strategy based on joint ventures, most recently with Libya's National Oil Corporation. 利伟诚也削减了陶氏化工的债务,采取一种以合资业务为核心的“轻资产”战略,近期主要是同利比亚的国家石油总公司进行合作。
- An Agreement for Joint Marine Seismic Undertaking on Certain Areas in the South China Sea By and Between Philippine National Oil Company and China National Offshore Oil Corporation. 菲律宾国家石油公司与中国海洋石油公司在南海特定海域进行联合海洋地震研究协议。
- BNOC (British National Oil Corporation) 英国国家石油公司
- Japan National Oil Corp 日本国石油公团
- United Lube Oil Corporation Co., Ltd. 中油优特高级润滑油联合公司。
- Japan National Cancer Center Databace(gophergan.ncc.go. jp):日本国立癌症研究中心数据库信息服务,通过gopher登录后,选择Cancer NetService。
- In 2005, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation made a bid to buy the American oil company Unocal. 2005年中国海洋石油总公司提出收购美国石油公司优尼科,中国的海尔集团也瞄准了美国家电公司美泰克。
- China National Oil and Gas Exploration Development Co. 中国石油天然气勘探开发公司。
- Sinochem is one of the four national oil companies in China. 中国中化集团是中国四大国有石油公司之一。
- In Bohai Bay, COPC is cooperating with China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) in the development of China's largest offshore discovery - Peng Lai (PL) 19-3. 康菲石油中国有限公司在渤海湾与中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC)合作开发中国最大的海上油田--蓬莱19-3油田。
- Both Orimo and Sakurai also played for the Japan national team at the 2006 FIBA World Championship. 折茂武彦和樱井良太还代表日本国家队参加了2006年在日本举行的第15届男篮世锦赛。
- In 2005 America’s Congress objected to the efforts of the partially state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) to buy Unocal, an American rival. 2005年,美国议会否决了部分国有的中海油公司(CNOOC)购买它的美国竞争者优尼科的提案。
- In 2005 America's Congress objected to the efforts of the partially state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) to buy Unocal, an American rival. 2005年,美国国会就反对中海油并购美国的竞争对手优尼科公司,挫败了这家部分国有公司的努力。
- "Nishio is the reigning Japan national champion and Mak knows her game very well as she comes to Hong Kong for training very often," said Choi. 港队李静近来状态甚弗,帖雅娜虽足伤初愈,他俩都有力争取单打奖牌。由他俩新配的混双,也是取牌的热门。
- Except refuting the unpolitical reading in Japan National Literature, how to consider the literature and politics together in literature writing is another attempt in this thesis. 论文在批驳了日本国文学界“去政治化”的啄木解读方法之外,努力探索一条如何将文艺与政治结合起来进行思考的文学写作途径。
- NSE Biofuels Oy Ltd. is a joint venture between Stora Enso Oyj and Neste Oil Corporation. NSE生物燃料有限公司是斯道拉恩索公司和内斯特石油公司组成的一家合资公司。
- President of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and Evert Henkes, chief executive of Shell Chemicals, in the presence of senior Chinese officials and Royal Dutch/Shell Group Managing Director Harry Roels. 中国政府有关部门负责人出席签字仪式,壳牌集团执行董事罗贺利(Mr.;H J M Roels)专程来京参加了签字仪式。
- Mr Obuchi hosted a dinner in honour of the Chief Executive and Mr Tung also delivered a speech at a luncheon in Tokyo jointly organised by the Tokyo HKETO,the HKTDC and the Japan/Hong Kong Society,and addressed a meeting of the Japan National Press Club. 外相小渊惠三特设晚宴,款待行政长官。另外,董先生并在香港特区政府驻东京经济贸易办事处、香港贸易发展局及日本香港协会在东京联合举办的午餐会上发表演说,以及在日本全国记者俱乐部的会议上致辞。
- China plans first offshore wind farm China National Offshore Oil Corporation plans to venture into renewable energy with China's first off-shore wind farm, Xinhua reported on Wednesday. 中海油计划开启首个中国海上风电项目新华社报道说,中国海洋石油公司计划通过开发中国的第一个海上风能发电项目来大胆介入可再生能源的发展。