- Japan - US Economic Relations 日美经济关系
- Yiwu Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Co., Ltd. 义乌市对外经济贸易有限公司。
- Establish horizontal economic relations with ... 与.
- Slowed growth of foreign economic relations. 对外经济增长势头放慢。
- The report has swept away some brightness of US economic prospect. 此一报告夺走了美国经济前景的某些光彩。
- Strong elements of neo-colonialism persist in the economic relations of the rich and poor countries. 富国和贫国之间的经济关系存留著浓厚的新殖民主义性质。
- This might be camouftaged as closer East-West economic relations. 这种做法会堂而皇之地被说成是为了加强东西方之间的经济关系。
- She also led the campaign to end the US economic blockade of Russia. 她也领导结束美国对俄罗斯经济封锁的运动。
- A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries. 孤立主义一种避免与其它国家建立政治或经济关系的国家政策
- This might be camouflaged as closer East-West economic relations. 这种做法会堂而皇之地被说成是为了加强东西方之间的经济关系。
- US President George W Bush said says there are troubling signs that the US economic is weakening. 说的美国乔治·W·布什总统说正在麻烦美国经济正在削弱的符号。
- Economic Relations between the E.U. And the U. S.: Competition or Cooperation? 欧美经济关系:竞争与合作?
- Or he could try the carrot, US economic aid. (Contradictory while existing sanctions are in place. 他也可能尝试胡萝卜,美国的经济援助。(和现有的制裁措施相矛盾。)
- Strong element of neo-colonialism persist in the economic relation of the rich and poor countries. 富国和贫国之间的经济关系存留着浓厚的新殖民主义性质。
- Sales during this time will be closely watched as an indicator of the sustainability of the US economic recovery. 这段时间的销售将被密切关注,它将是美国经济复苏可持续性的指标。
- Who in connivance, Jiaoguan market economic relations firms out of the way? 究竟是谁在纵容、娇惯市场经济关系中的企业走出这种路径?
- There has now been enough weak US economic data to justify much looser monetary policy. 现在,美国已经有足够多的疲弱经济数据证明,必须明显放松货币政策。
- He spotlighted the “Buy American” provisions in this year’s US economic stimulus package as an example of the trend. 他强调,今年美国经济刺激方案中“购买美国货”这一条款就是这种游戏趋势的一个体现。
- US economic data in focus: Sep Leading Indicators (expect -0.3%), and Sep Existing Home Sales (expect 4.93M). 美国经济数据焦点:九月领先指标(预期下跌0.;3%25),和九月成屋销售量(预期4