- But on Thursday at the night Jana Pittman said the doctor had gave her the all clear to compete. 但周四晚上皮特曼宣布,医生已给了她完全的批准,她可以参加正式比赛了。
- World 400m Hurdles Champion Jana Pittman comfirmed that she will be competing at the Athens Olympics. 现年21岁的女子400米栏世界冠军澳大利亚选手皮特曼确认,她将参加雅典奥运会田径比赛。
- Jana Pittman 皮特曼
- But Pittman says couples can take preventive steps. 它会让家庭充满怨恨、猜忌和欺骗。”
- M. Mandal, N. R. Jana, S. Kundu, S. K. Ghosh, M. 参考文献1.;张立德,牟季美,奈米材料与奈米结构,台中:沧海(2002)。
- Pittman, Marlys S.Waller, Cathy L. 放大图片 作者: Anne M.
- Therapist Frank Pittman believes virtually all cheaters deeply regret straying. 治疗学家弗兰克?特曼认为,几乎所有的婚姻背叛者都会为自己的出轨深感后悔。
- "You can say, 'I have noticed we have not had sex in a year,' "says Pittman. 据估计,有一半的婚姻破裂都是由不忠造成的。
- "You can say, 'I have noticed we have not had sex in a year,' " says Pittman. 皮特曼建议,“你可以这样说,‘我觉得我们好像一年都没有性生活了。’”
- "Infidelity is the most devastating crisis for a family," said Pittman. 皮特曼说:“对于一个家庭来说,不忠贞是个最具毁灭性的危机。
- S. won the silver and Russia the bronze. [ReutersChina's Pang Panpan kisses Jana Bieger (L) of the U. 这在比赛中反而成为一件好事,它让我们能够在没有任何压力的情况下去比赛。”
- In languages like Czech, the move from Jana to Janka and then Janicka signals a subtle increase in intimacy each time. 在象捷克语这样的语言里, 从叫亚娜改口到叫詹卡再改口到叫杰妮卡的每一步过程都标志着亲密程度的微妙的递增。
- Chobanian Av.Evaluatiopn and treatment of HIGHn blood pressue:the JANA,2003,289(19):2560-2572. 孙建平.;改善农村老年高血压病患者依从行为的实践
- The story of Pittman's knee has kept many sports' fan on the edge of theirs seats on the bills of the Athens Olympics. 有关皮特曼膝伤的报道令众多澳大利亚观众在购买门票方面犹豫再三。
- An unassuming man with flyaway hair and a ready smile, Jana, who is now 53, went through medical school in Kolkata in the 1970s. 53岁的迦纳有著一头膨松头发,是个随时面带微笑且没有架子的人。他在1970年代就读位于加尔各答的医学院。
- A fully fit Pittman is regarded as Australia's best chance of a track medal in Athens. 身体状态良好的皮特曼是最有希望获得径奖牌的澳大利亚选手。
- Jana now works with CARE in Delhi, assisting other social workers in similarly transferring their HIV prevention programs to the people they serve. 迦纳现在在德里的关怀协会(CARE)工作,协助其他的社工人员将HIV预防计画以类似的方法,转移给他们所服务的人。
- As the women grew in confidence, he removed himself from the scene: Jana's greatest achievement is his planned obsolescence. 当妇女们的自信心增加了,他便退出这个舞台。迦纳的最大的成就,便是自己有计画的淡出。
- Consensus builder,shares power--best exemplified by decision to bring in Pittman,a high-profile executive who could easily take Case's job. 多数人意见的统一者,眼光独到--最好的例子就是引入彼特曼先生,他同时也是一个精明强干的首席执行官,能够轻而易举地取代凯斯的位置。
- Jana would apply this insight in 1991, when an official from the World Health Organization asked him to survey the brothels of Sonagachi for HIV. 1991年,世界卫生组织的一位官员请他就HIV方面调查索纳加奇的妓院,迦纳便运用了他这项心得。