- Jammer Intercept Missile 拦截导弹干扰机
- What does the "Intercept Missiles" function of the Predator do exactly? 什么是"导弹拦截"技能,掠夺者如何做到这点?
- SPRINT (Solid Propellant Rocket Intercept Missile) 固体推进火箭截击导弹
- Once again, something wrong happened to an American interception missile. 美国又出现一起截击导弹故障事例。
- Air Launched Intercept Missile Record System 空中发射拦截导弹记录系统
- Coffin-Launched Intercept Missile 长箱发射拦截导弹
- Minimum Mobile Intercept Missile 微型机动拦截导弹
- Experimental Air Intercept Missile 实验空中拦截导弹
- Solid Propellant Rocket Intercept Missile 固体推进剂火箭拦截导弹
- Air Intercept Missile Evaluation 空中拦截导弹鉴定
- Air-Launched Intercept Missile Record System 空中发射拦截导弹记录系统
- How am I going to get out of this jam? 我怎样才能摆脱困境呢?
- He has spread a slice of bread with Jam. 他把面包片抹上了果酱。
- Air Combat Evaluation Air Intercept Missile Evaluation 空战鉴定与空中拦截火箭鉴定
- Because I lost my money I was in a jam. 我因为丢了钱而陷入困境。
- His car was stalled in a traffic jam. 他的车子在交通阻塞中动弹不得。
- I am cooking a sponge cake with jam filling. 我在做果酱松糕。
- He spread some apple jam on the bread. 他在面包上涂上苹果酱。
- We were stuck in a traffic jam for an hour. 我们因交通堵塞而受阻一个小时。
- The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile. 这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。