- He's lied his way into a really plum job. 他靠撒谎骗得一份好工作。
- Our next landfall should be Jamaica. 我们下一靠岸处应是牙买加。
- He ate the plum, and threw the core away. 他吃掉了李子,并扔掉了果核。
- She tried to engraft a peach on a plum. 她试图把桃树嫁接在梨树上。
- White snow heightens the red plum blossoms. 在白雪的映衬下红梅显得更加鲜艳美丽。
- They took up residence in Jamaica. 他们定居于牙买加。
- The next morning Gilbert blasted into Jamaica. 第二天早晨,吉尔伯特闻人牙买加。
- Mother made some plum preserves. 母亲做了一些蜜饯洋李。
- That plum tree is in full bloom. 梅花正盛开着。
- The plum blossoms are a sight for the gods. 那些梅花好看极了。
- The5:15 train to Jamaica left on time. 五点十五分到牙买加的火车准时离开。
- Please prune plum trees promptly. 请及时修剪李树。
- Jamaica is home to over two million people. 牙买加是两百多万人的家乡。
- He pulled down a plum for himself in that business. 他在那笔生意中给自己赚了外块。
- Jamaica's population is predominately black. 牙买加的人口就主流上来说是黑人。
- Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana. 巴巴多斯、买加、立尼达和圭亚那等国的母语。
- The plum blossom are open on winter. 梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开。
- He's got a plum job with a big company. 他在一家大公司谋得一份称心如意的工作。
- The maid said he brought back bundles from Jamaica. 女仆说他从捷梅卡带回了花束。
- Johann and plum are busy to work always. 约翰和梅一直忙于工作。