- Of or relating to the theology of Jacobus Arminius and his followers,who believed that predestination was conditioned by God's foreknowledge of human free choices. 阿米尼乌斯派教义的雅各布斯·阿米尼乌斯神学及其追随者的,认为预定论是以上帝对人类自由选择的预知为条件的或与之相关的。
- Of or relating to the theology of Jacobus Arminius and his followers, who believed that predestination was conditioned by God's foreknowledge of human free choices. 阿米尼乌斯派教义的雅各布斯 阿米尼乌斯神学及其追随者的,认为预定论是以上帝对人类自由选择的预知为条件的或与之相关的
- the Protestant denomination adhering to the views of Jacobus Arminius. 坚持雅各布斯阿米尼乌斯观点的新教教派。
- doctrines of Jacobus Arminius (1610) rejecting absolute predestination or strict Calvinism. 反对绝对宿命说或严格加尔文教派的阿米纽教条。
- doctrines of Jacobus Arminius rejecting absolute predestination or strict Calvinism 反对绝对宿命说或严格加尔文教派的阿米纽教条
- doctrines of Jacobus Arminius (1610) rejecting absolute predestination or strict Calvinism . 反对绝对宿命说或严格加尔文教派的阿米纽教条。
- group of Baptist congregations believing the teachings of the Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius (who opposed the doctrine of strict predestination of the Calvinists). 施洗者圣会团体,信仰荷兰神学者雅各布斯阿米尼乌斯的教义(他反对加尔文教徒的严格预言学说)。
- Jacobus Arminius 阿明尼乌(1560-1609),荷兰人,基督教神学家。
- Arminius is misrepresented concerning total depravity. 阿明尼乌有关全然败坏的观点被曲解。
- Harwood, B. and Jacobus, C. J. (1996), Real Estate Principles(7th Edition), Prentice Hall, P14-39. 张金鹗(2003),房地产投资与市场分析理论与实务-上篇:房地产投资分析,第1-37页,华泰总经销。
- We agree that man and woman make real, genuine choices from the will of man every day. Augustine, Calvin as well as Arminius, Wesley all agree on this. 我们同意,人每天都使用自己的意志,作出真实的选择。奥古斯丁,加尔文,和卫斯理都同意这一点。
- In the early part of the seventeenth century Arminius introduced a new system of doctrine in the Reformed churches of Holland. 十七世纪初,阿米念在荷兰的改革宗教会介绍一套新的教义。
- The first De Wet, Jacobus de Wet, arrived in South Africa in 1693.He was the appointed Cellarmaster of The Dutch East India Company in 1697. 德韦特雅克布斯德韦特1693年抵达南非,在1697年被荷兰东印度公司任命为指定酿酒师。
- He had been working on a novel inspired by Hungarian adventurer Arminius Vambery who had regaled Stoker with eastern European tales of the blood-hungry living dead. 他当时正在写一部小说,灵感取自匈牙利探险家阿米纽斯.;范贝利讲述的关于嗜血活死人的东欧传说。
- Jacobus, Douglas P. 作者: Lee A.
- Jacobus, Annette T. 作者: Lee A.
- Arminius died at 49 years of age; 亚米纽斯在49岁就离世了;
- a battle in 9 AD in which the Germans under Arminius annihilated three Roman legions. 公元前九世纪在阿米那斯带领下德国人歼灭三个罗马军团的一次战斗。
- Keywords anatomy;Chinese translations;Joannes Terrenz;Jacobus Rho;Andreas Vesalius; 解剖学;译著;邓玉函;罗雅谷;维萨留斯;
- Arminiusn. 阿米尼乌斯(Jacobus;荷兰神学家和阿米尼乌斯派创建人)