- 你在迟到Ken会气疯的。Ken will blow up if you are late again.
- 波多黎各共产党于1934 年9 月建立。The Communist Party of Puerto Rico was founded in September 1934.
- 请告诉他Ken Kimura 打过电话。Please tell him that Ken Kimura called.
- 哈伯,弗里兹1868-1934德国化学家,他因化学合成氨而获1918年诺贝尔奖German chemist. He won a1918 Nobel Prize for the synthetic production of ammonia.
- 这是Ralph初次要去ken的公司拜访)Ralph goes to visit Ken 's office for the first time.)
- 在皮内试验中,Sarnowiec(1934)使用了蓖麻油。In an intradermal test, Sarnowiec(1934)used castor oil.
- 高kHigh-k
- 这是Ralph初次要去ken的公司拜访.Ralph is going to visit Ken 's office for the first time . .
- K肥K fertilizer
- 她的《文化模式》(1934)是比较人类学领域的经典之作。Her Patterns of Culture (1934) is a classic study in comparative anthropology
- 喂,我是Beijing贸易公司的Ken Nash。Hello. This is Ken nash of Beijing Trading Company.
- (kk
- 结果显示:示踪量为0.1934=dpm/cell-DNA时,微核率已显著增加;Experimental results demonstrated that the micronucleus rates of B16 melanoma cells increased significantly when the dose of 125IUdR was 0.1934 dpm/cell-DNA.
- (因工作的关系Ralph与ken认识已有一段时间。( ralph and ken have know each other for some time through work.
- k/nk-out-of-n
- 后期作品有《友好的同时代人》(1932)和《后半辈子的邻居》(1934)。Among his later works are My Friendly Contemporaries (1932) and Afternoon Neighbors (1934).
- K泡potassium bubble
- Voxlap,Ken Silverman所写的开放源代码的体素引擎Voxlap Open source voxel engine written by Ken Silverman and Tom Dobrowolski
- 哈伯,弗里兹1868-1934德国化学家,他因化学合成氨而获1918年诺贝尔奖German chemist. He won a1918 Nobel Prize for the synthetic production of ammonia.
- K镜K mirror