- Ixodes bicornis 双角硬蜱
- Major transmission routes: Ixodes is the major transmitting vector. 主要传播方式:硬蜱是其主要传播媒介。
- Conclusion Ixodes persulcatus was confirmed as Lyme disease vector. 结论全沟硬蜱是吉林省莱姆病的主要媒介。
- Among the various investigated rats , Ixodes persulcatus is the dominant ti... 结论:本次调查为防鼠、防婢及蜱媒病的研究提供了依据。
- The primary intermediate hosts for this spirochete are deer ticks belonging to the genus Ixodes. 这种螺旋菌的最初中间宿主是鹿身上的属于一种硬虱的扁虱。
- Lyme disease is a disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochaete, and spread by ticks of the genus Ixodes. 莱姆病是一种由伯氏疏螺旋体引起的疾病,由硬蜱属的蜱类传播。
- Dermacentor species predominate as a cause in North America, while Ixodes mainly causes the disease in Australia. 在北美,该疾病主要由革蜱属的蜱引起,而在澳大利亚则主要由硬蜱属的蜱引起。
- Diceros bicornis lived in Africa were killed by 90% and are now on the edge of dying out. 过去生活在非洲的黑犀牛,到一九八七年,有百分之九十惨遭杀害,该种动物已濒临绝迹。
- So, it is necessary to study whether the sterility of male sterile lines with Ae. bicornis cytoplasm is gametophyte or sporophyte. 所以二角型不育系是配子体不育还是孢子体不育尚有待进一步研究。
- Haemaphysalis bispinosis and Ixodes granulatus were proved to be important vectors of B.b.s.l. in the southern area of China. 我国北方林区莱姆病螺旋体的主要生物媒介是全沟硬蜱,南方林区二棘血蜱和粒形硬蜱是重要的生物媒介。
- An infectious viral disease of sheep that is transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus and affects the nervous system, causing galloping and trotting by little leaps and often prolonged trembling. 震颤病一种在绵羊身上发作的病毒性传染病,由虫螨传播并能影响神经系统,绵羊得病后会小步飞跑和疾走,经常伴有长时间的颤抖
- An infectious viral disease of sheep that is transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus and affects the nervous system,causing galloping and trotting by little leaps and often prolonged trembling. 震颤病一种在绵羊身上发作的病毒性传染病,由虫螨传播并能影响神经系统,绵羊得病后会小步飞跑和疾走,经常伴有长时间的颤抖。
- Disc electrophoresis method has been used to study proteins, sugars and lipids of different developmental stages in two species of hard ticks, Ixodes sinensis and Boophilus microplus(Acari: Ixodidae). 本文应用盘状电泳方法对中华硬蜱和微小牛蜱不同发育阶段的蛋白质、糖、脂进行了比较研究。
- Uterus bicornis affecting pregnancy 双角子宫影响妊娠
- bicornis ixodes [医] 双角硬蜱
- Localization of the specific antigens in Ixodes sineasis 中华硬蜱特异性抗原的定位
- Observation on The Life Cycle of Ixodes persulcatus at Laboratory 实验室条件下全沟硬蜱生活史观察
- Artificial Overwintering Experiment of Ixodes persulcatus 全沟硬蜱的人工越冬实验
- Uterus bicornis unicollis with one unconnected rudimentary horn 单角并非交通残角子宫
- Cloning and Expression of Pinb Gene in Aegilops bicornis 二角山羊草Pinb基因的克隆与表达分析