- Ixeris stoloniferan. 圆叶苦荬菜
- Ixeris chelidonifolia (Makino) Stebb. 细叶繁缕
- Comparative studies on green color and plant characters of new strains in Agrostis stolonifera L. 匍匐翦股颖新品系植株形态与果岭草色泽比较研究。
- Objective To identify and determine the content of adenosin in the Ixeris sonchifolia Hance injection. 目的确证苦碟子注射液中腺苷,并测定其含量。
- Digitaria longiflora and new strain Agrsostis stolonifera had dark green color and high root vigor. 长花马唐、匍匐翦股颖新品系色泽深,根系活力较高。
- It is in agreement with the treatment that 4 genera could be divided in the genus Ixeris in Fl. (2)黄瓜菜型:上表皮无气孔器,下表皮气孔器为不规则型,偶有非典型不等型,上、下表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁深波状;
- Some changes in physicological and biochemical indexes under low temperature stress in the leaves of Agrostis stolonifera L. 本特草在低温胁迫下生理生化指标的变化。
- And their sequence of drought tolerance during seedling was Lolium perenne>Festuca arundinacea>Bromus inermis>Festuca rubra>Agrostis stolonifera. 综合分析可知,5种冷季型草坪草的苗期抗旱性能由强多弱依次为:多年生黑麦草>高羊茅>无芒雀麦>紫羊茅>匍匐翦股颖。
- The epidermal micro-morphology of the genus Ixeris (Compositae) from Shandong was examined with the light microscope (LM). 摘要对山东广义苦荬菜属植物叶表皮微形态进行了光镜下的观察研究。
- Abstract:Objective To investigate the protective effect of Ku Die Zi(KDZ,Ixeris sonchifolia) injection against cerebral ischemia. 摘要:目的 探讨苦碟子注射液对脑缺血的保护作用。
- This article reviews the progress of chemical constituent and pharmacological action of Ixeris Cass., provides available information for more research. 综述了苦荬菜属植物化学成分及药理活性的研究成果,为本属植物的深入研究提供了有用的资料。
- Potentilla bifurca and P. chinensiswere key factors to influence the sub-adult,Ixeris denticulata,Cleistogenes squarrosa and Bothriochloa ischaemum were subsidiary factors. 二裂委陵菜和委陵菜是影响亚成体组的关键因子,苦荬菜、糙隐子草和白羊草是次要因子。
- This article intreduce a methed, which use Ixeris denticulatu as raw meterial in addtion to apple juice to produce Ixeris denticulatu clear juice beverage. 本研究以山野菜苦苣菜为主料,苹果为辅料,开发苦苣菜清汁饮料。
- Saxifraga stolonifera Meerb. [医] 虎耳草
- Oenanthe stolonifera DC. [医] 水芹
- Agrostis stolonifera L. 匍匐剪股颖
- Ixeris chinensis nakai. 山苦菜亦称苦菜,苦荬菜,拒马菜
- Objective:To study the microscopic structure of Valeriana alternifolia Bunge var. stolonifera Bar. et Skv.to provide scientific basis for quality standard making and development and utilization well. 目的:观察黑龙江省毛节缬草的解剖构造,明确其鉴别特征,为进一步制定缬草的质量标准及开发利用提供科学依据。
- Ixeris Cass. s. lat. 苦荬菜属
- Ixeris chine is (Thu . ) Nakai的干燥全草。