- (1857-1894)人工制造电磁波的德国物理学家。German physicist who was the first to produce electromagnetic waves artificially (1857-1894).
- 1928-2008年1928 - 2008
- 任熊(1822-1857)、任薰(1835-1893)两兄弟曾师法明末画家陈洪绶Ren Xiong (1822-1857) and Ren xun (1835-1893) were brothers who had learned from painter Chen Hongshou of the late Ming Dynasty.
- 洛维拉·伊·奇里诺,C.(1882-1928)Carlos Loveira y Chirino (1882~1928)
- 任熊(1822-1857)、任薰(1835-1893)两兄弟曾师法明末画家陈洪绶,Ren Xiong (1822-1857) and Ren Xun (1835-1893) were brothers who had learned from painter Chen Hongshou of the late Ming Dynasty.
- 东南亚华侨民族主义发展研究(1912-1928)A Perspective to the Development of Overseas Chinese Nationalism (1912-1928)
- 约瑟夫·康拉德(1857-1924)被西方评论家誉为20世纪最杰出的英国小说家之一。Joseph Conrad is acclaimed as one of the most outstanding British writers of the twentieth century.
- 克拉伦斯 - 达罗(1857-1938),是美国的一位律师,他还是演说家,辩论家和杂文作家。Clarence Darrow (1857--1938), American Lawyer, public speaker, debater, and miscellaneous writer.
- 剪切裂缝中能量释放的弹性静力问题最先由Starr(1928)进行了研究。The elastostatical problem of the energy release in a shear crack was first created by Starr (1928).
- 经过考证,特别指出《金石识别》的蓝本是manual of Mineralogy(1857),并指出至少存在四种版本。Based on textualthe authors especially point out that the original version of ]in Shi ShiBie is Manual of Mineralogy(1857),and there are at least four editions.
- 1928或1929年以后,债券声誉骤然下降,从而导致种种新的对外贷款形式出现。The eclipse of the bond after 1928 or 1929 led to new forms of foreign lending.
- 托马斯·哈代(1840-1928 )是英国19世纪后期杰出的批判现实主义作家。Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), was a well-known English critical realist writer in the late 19th century.
- 英籍波兰裔作家约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad,1857-1924)是19世纪末二十世纪初极为重要的英国作家。Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), Polish-born English novelist, is considered to be one of the greatest modern English writers.
- 自从发现青霉素(1928),抗生素大大的改变了许多由真菌、细菌引起的疾病的治疗方法。"Since the discovery of penicillin (1928), antibiotics have revolutionized the treatment of Bacterial, fungal, and some other diseases."
- Steyn(1928),Dekock等(1940)和其他人在南非洲病例中普遍看到严重脾充血和增大。Severe splenic engorgement with enlargement was commonly noted in South African cases by Steyn (1928), Deknock et al. (1940) and others.
- 缪塞,(路易斯·查尔斯)艾尔弗雷德1810-1857法国作家,是法国浪漫主义运动的领导诗人,他也写讽刺喜剧,比如罗朗札齐奥1834年French writer. A leading poet of the French romantic movement, he also wrote comedies of manners, such as Lorenzaccio(1834).
- 野口,英世1876-1928日本裔美籍细菌学家,发现梅毒和黄热病的病因和治疗该病的方法Japanese - born American bacteriologist who discovered the cause and worked toward a treatment of syphilis and yellow fever.
- 约瑟夫·康拉德(1857-1924) 是二十世纪英国文坛上杰出的小说家。 他是一位勇于创新的作家,努力尝试着用新的视角来诠释其对于生活的理解。Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was an outstanding and innovative British novelist in the 20th century, who strives to find a new form to convey his understanding of life.
- 洛伦茨,亨德里克1853-1928荷兰物理学家。因在磁性对放射的影响方面的研究而获1902年诺贝尔奖。Hendrik Antoon Lorentz,1853-1928,Dutch physicist. He shared a1902 Nobel Prize for researching the influence of magnetism on radiation.
- 欧内斯特·L. 博耶(Ernest L. Boyer, 1928-1995)是美国当代著名的教育家和教育演说家。Ernest L. Boyer was a famous educationist and a famous educational speaker of modern America.