- The ivy twined round the oak tree. 长春藤盘绕着橡树。
- Ivy had crept up the castle walls. 常春藤爬上了城堡的围墙。
- Ivy had crept over the ruined castle walls. 青藤爬满了那荒堡的残垣。
- He is a member of the Ivy League. 他是长春藤联合会的一员。
- Rampant ivy had covered the wall. 密密的常春藤遮住了这面墙。
- The college library is a favorite haunt. 大学图书馆是人们喜欢的地方。
- The front of the building was covered with ivy. 建筑物的前面爬满了常春藤。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- There is ivy trailing all over the wall. 常春藤蔓生整个墙面。
- The wall was covered with English ivy. 墙上覆盖着长春藤。
- He often cut recitation during his college days. 他上大学时经常无故旷课,逃避背诵练习。
- The college did us proud at the centenary dinner. 院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们。
- The college has excellent sporting facilities. 这所学院有极好的体育设备。
- Several Ivy League teams play each other regularly each year. 几个常青藤联合会的球队每年都要定期进行比赛。
- Many students lodge in their college halls. 许多学生住在学院的学生宿舍里。
- The college I applied to has accepted me. 我报了名的学院已经录取我了。
- The college jumped him from instructor to full professor. 大学突然把他从讲师提升为正教授。
- She is a member of the Royal College of Nursing. 她是皇家护士协会的会员。
- Patty dawdled away four years in college. 帕蒂在大学里混了四年。
- By her sweetness Ivy managed to survive the drawn-out brutality. 艾薇靠着自己随和的性情,总算在持续很久的残忍中生存了下来。