- A city of southeast European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River delta. The Tartar city was conquered by Ivan the Terrible in1556. Population,493, 000. 阿斯特拉罕苏联欧洲部分东南部一城市,位于伏尔加河三角洲上,这个鞑靼人的城市曾于1556年被恶魔伊万征服。人口493,000
- Particular topics include the rise of the Kievan State, the Mongol Yoke, the rise of Muscovy, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, relations with Western Europe. 详细的主题包含:基辅公国的兴起、蒙古的束缚、莫斯科公国的兴起、恐怖伊凡、彼得大帝以及与欧洲的关系。
- In Russia The Tsarist autocracy has established in the reign of the Tsar Ivan the Terrible. 在俄罗斯,从伊凡雷帝开始了沙皇专制制度。
- Ivan the Terrible conquered Astrakhan in 1556, giving Russia control of the Volga. 恐怖伊凡(Ivan the Terrible)在1556年征服阿斯特拉罕,俄国控制了伏尔加河。
- A city of southeast European U.S.S.R.on the Volga River delta.The Tartar city was conquered by Ivan the Terrible in1556.Population, 493, 000. 阿斯特拉罕苏联欧洲部分东南部一城市,位于伏尔加河三角洲上,这个鞑靼人的城市曾于1556年被恶魔伊万征服。人口493,
- Ivan was a timid little man---so timid that the villages called him "Pigeon" or mocked him with the title "Ivan the Terrible. 伊万是一个胆小如鼠的小个子男人,他的胆子太小了,所以村子里人都叫他“胆小鬼”,或者嘲讽的成他为“怕死鬼伊万”。
- In 1988 Mr Demjanjuk was sentenced to death by an Israeli court as “Ivan the Terrible”, a sadistic guard at the Treblinka death camp. 但在新的前苏联时期的文件对他的身份有所引文后,以色列最高法院推翻了原有的指控。
- Rising from the square is St Basil's Cathedral, built in the 1550s to commemorate Ivan the Terrible's capture of the Mongol stronghold of Kazan. 此外,红场上还矗立着壮观的瓦西里升天大教堂,是伊凡大帝为了纪念占领喀山蒙古要塞而在1550年代下令建造的。
- As the founder and the main theorist of the Tsarist autocracy, Ivan the Terrible for the first time practised it in Russia. 伊凡雷帝不但是专制思想的奠基人和理论家,而且还是它的实践者。
- After being conquered by Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century, Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, was successfully integrated into the Russian empire. 自被“恐怖的伊凡”在16世纪征服后,鞑靼斯坦的首都喀山就成功地融入俄罗斯帝国之中。
- Astrakhan is a city of southeast European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River delta. The Tartar city was conquered by Ivan the Terrible in 1556. Population,493,000. 阿斯特拉罕是苏联欧洲部分东南部一城市,位于伏尔加河三角洲上,这个鞑靼人的城市曾于1556年被恶魔伊万征服。人口493,000。
- Demjanjuk was extradited to Israel in 1986, when the US justice department believed he was the sadistic Nazi guard known as Ivan the Terrible from the Treblinka death camp. 1986年,当美国司法部门认为德米扬鲁克就是臭名昭著的纳粹死亡集中营警卫“恐怖的伊万”的时候,他被引渡到以色列。
- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。
- Julia paled at the sight of the terrible accident. 朱莉娅看见惨祸时吓得脸色发白。
- He winced mentally at the terrible news. 听到这个噩耗,他不由的心里一楞。
- The terrible experience unhinged him. 恐怖的经历使他发疯。
- The terrible experience is seared into my memory. 那次可怕的经历铭刻在我的记忆中。
- Who's responsible for the terrible mess? 谁应该对这种混乱负责?
- The terrible truth was borne in on him. 他不得不相信这可怕的真相。
- The terrible experience had scarred him for life. 这一可怕的经历给他留下了终身的创伤。