- The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
- They pitched a yarn about finding the jewels. 他们编了一个找到宝石的故事。
- Be she a spaniard or an italian? 她是西班牙人还是意大利人?
- The woman knits stockings from yarn. 那妇人用纱线织袜子。
- Spindle is the measure for yarn. 司品德是纱的度量单位。
- From his manner of speaking I took him to be an Italian. 从他说话的样子看,我还以为他是个意大利人。
- Mother used to spin her own yarn. 母亲过去一直是自己纺纱的。
- Italian has a close affinity to French. 义大利语和法语很相似。
- Wool fibers can be spun into yarn. 羊毛纤维可纺成纱。
- Have you ever heard that song sung in Italian? 你听过用意大利语唱的那首歌曲吗?
- George loves Italian food and he really laid into the pizzas. 乔治爱吃意大利食品,他真的大吃起这些馅饼来。
- A fabric made of different kinds of thread or yarn. 混纺织物由不同种类的线或纱制成的织物
- I tied it with fuzzy white yarn, and admired my work. 我用毛茸茸的白纱线把它系好,欣赏着我的杰作。
- Once you have learn Spanish, you will find Italian easy. 一旦你学会了西班牙语,你就会觉得意大利语容易学了。
- I must brush up (on) my Italian before I go to Rome. 我去罗马以前必须把意大利语重温一下。
- The old sailor love to spin yarn about his life at sea. 那老水手爱信口开河地讲他的航海生涯。
- Our agent in Rome deals with all our Italian business. 我们在罗马的代理人负责我们在意大利的所有业务。
- Leonardo da Vinci is a famous artist in the Italian Renaissance. 利奥纳多·达·芬奇是意大利文艺复兴时期的一位知名画家。
- Tell lies! That is, spin a yarn; well I can do that. 撒谎么!那就是编一个故事嘛,我也能够来一下子。
- Not particularly. I am not very fond of Italian food. 并不特别喜欢。我并不十分喜欢意大利食品。