- It will do me proud. 这将使我很满意。
- Is that a size 6 hat? If so,it will do me. 那帽子是六号的吗?如果是,对我正合适。
- Is that a size 6 hat? If so, it will do me. 那帽子是六号的吗?如果是,对我正合适。
- If it's a game of skill you will do me down. 如果是比技巧的话,你肯定胜我。
- It will do if you let me know in an hour or so. 一小时左右让我知道即可。
- This room will do me nicely, thank you(= it has everything I need). 这房间对我很合适,谢谢你。
- A day in the country will do me good. 到乡下去呆一天会对我有好处。
- This room will do me quite well. 这个房间很适合我的需要。
- Do you think that will do me any good? 你认为那对我会有好处吗?
- It will do if you let us know in an hour or so. 你一个钟头左右通知我们就行。
- Drink more milk; it will do you good. 多喝牛奶,这对你有益。
- I have a wonderful wife I love intensely, and a teenage boy and a teenage girl, both of whom do me proud. 我有一个好妻子,我深深地爱着她,我还有一个十几岁的儿子,他们都令我骄傲。
- Whether it will do us good remains to be seen. 这对我们是否有好处,还要看一看。
- Whether it will do us harm or good is hard to say. 这对我们是好是坏还很难说。
- It will do violence to his principle to eat meat. 吃肉与他的原则相违。
- It will do you both a lot of good. 孙: 这对你们俩人来说都有好处。
- If we interfere, it will do more harm than good. 假如我们干预,弊就会大于利。
- Oh, thank you. You do me proud. 哦,谢谢你。你(这样说)使我感到非常光荣。
- He says it's not ideal,but it will do. 他说那不理想,但也可以用。
- An omelette will do me fine(= will be enough for me). 一份摊鸡蛋我就够了。