- It was first suggested by Leonard Bloomfield. 由布龙菲尔德首先提出来。
- It was suggested that the contract be canceled. 有人建议合同应该取消。
- His uncle planned to give him away a sum of money,but it was thrown out by him. 他叔叔准备赠给他一笔钱,但被他拒绝了。
- It was suggested that we open a suburban automat. 有人建议我们开一家郊区自助食堂。
- It was suggested that we close the Savoy Theatre. 有人建议我们关闭塞瓦尔剧院。
- Although the stone weighted almost one hundred jin, it was moved by him alone. 虽然那块石头重将近一百斤,他一个人就把它挪动了。
- It was suggested that he be the chairman of the meeting. 他被举荐为大会主席。
- It was suggested that new experiment be canceled at once. 有人建议新试验应马上取消。
- It was suggested that such computers be designed at once. 有人提议立即设计这种计算机。
- And by him,that spoke only as a philosopher and natural man,it was well said; pompa mortis magis terret,quam mars ipsa. 那位古人(哲学家及自然人)说得很好:“与死亡俱来的一切,比死亡更骇人”。
- Do you know why it was suggested to disconnect HO2S? 知道为什么要跋HO2S的插头吗?
- His uncle planned to give him away a sum of money, but it was thrown out by him. 他叔叔准备赠给他一笔钱,但被他拒绝了。
- It was suggested that the sports meet be put off until next Saturday. 大家建议把运动会推迟到下星期六。
- It was suggested that the experiment and selection of promising catal... 建议对近年来开发的有应用前景的催化剂进行扩大试验与筛选。
- It was enterprising of him to go by himself. 他竟敢独自去,真有胆量。
- It was suggested that lung and kidney could be parasitized by schizont of Theileria sp. 就家畜泰勒虫而言,在肺脏和肾脏中观察到裂殖体尚属首次。
- It was suggested that swainsonine could damage placenta and endanger directly fetuses through placental barrier. 由此证明,苦马豆素能损害胎盘并通过胎盘屏障直接作用胎儿。
- In the past, it was suggested that you make a small partition at the beginning of the disk, to be left unformatted. 以前的方法建议您在磁盘的开始处分出一个较小并且不格式化的分区。
- It was suggested not to expose ourselves to a kind of unusual lighting or luminescence. 它是暗示我们自己以一种不常见的光或者发光而不暴露。
- It was suggestive somewhat as a picture in outlines. 它富于暗示的作用,好像绘画中的一幅素描。