- It was not necessary to think about it. 没有必要去操心。
- It was not until he came that I left. 直到他来我才离开。
- It was not discreet of you to say that. 你那样说有欠考虑。
- It was not long before tragedy struck again. 没多久,灾难又再次降临。
- It was not just an accident; she did it of intent. 这不是一个真正的意外事故; 她是有意这样做的。
- The news was not worth the paper it was written on. 那条新闻毫无价值。
- It was not easy for John to come around. 让约翰改变立场是不容易的。
- It was not for pleasure that we did it. 我们做那事并非为了消遣。
- It was not unusual for me to come home late. 回家晚对我来说是不稀奇的。
- It was quite obvious that she was not going home. 很显然她不准备回家。
- It was not our fault that we were late. 这次迟到不是我们的错。
- It was not often necessary for her to retract a statement. 她一言既出,通常不至于撤回。
- It was not a propitious time to start a new business. 这个时候开张不吉利。
- It was not until a few months later that he knew the story. 直到几个月后,他才知道这故事。
- The contract was null and void because it was not signed. 这个合同无效,因为它尚未签字。
- It was not feasible to build a bridge at that point. 在那个地点造桥是不可行的。
- It was a big letdown when I was not accepted by Harvard university. 当我的入学申请被哈佛大学拒绝时,我失望极了。
- It was not until 1884 that the first artificial fiber was made. 直到一八八四年,第一个人造纤维才制造出来。
- It was not easy to put the idea across to the public at that time. 在当时要使公众接受这种思想并非易事。
- It was not long before I tracked down the lost wallet. 不久我就找到了遗失的钱包。