- Then he saw it was the fasting day of the full moon. 然后,他看见满月,知道这是斋戒日。
- It was the last day of the Bengali month and the day of the full moon. 这天是孟加拉月的最后一天,并且还是满月。
- When the trolley came it was full. 来了一辆无轨电车,里面挤满了人。
- It was full of hot water from the noonday cooking. 里面盛满了热水,是中午做饭时烧热的。
- Whereupon it was full of fear for the hunter. 随之,它又对猎人充满了恐惧。
- But it was full of untidy dry moss. 但是里面长满了乱糟糟的干苔藓。
- Bind the sack before it be full. 麻袋装得过满扎不住袋口
- The room was full of balloons and flowers, it was so nice. 屋子里到处都是气球和鲜花,美极了。
- Anita Mui's concert started the night before. It was full house. 《京华时报》前晚,梅艳芳个唱在港开锣,红馆首场全场爆满。
- I empty the ashtray because it was full of cigarette ends. 这个烟灰缸里装满了烟头,我就把它清理干净了。
- When the book came out, he found that it was full of mistakes. 书出版之后,他发现里面尽是错误。
- It was full of the snapshots of us on the farm last summer. 里面都是我们去年夏天在农场里拍下的快照。
- It was full on the train,so I had to squeeze through to fetch the hot water. 火车太满了,我得挤过去接开水。
- I warned him off going to the east coast because it was full of tourists. 我劝他别去东海岸,因为那里到处是游客。
- If there was full of hardships, it was also full of joy and excitement. 虽然那里生活非常艰苦,但也充满了愉快和激情。
- But he didn't like the big, deep pond. It was full of strange plants. 但他不喜欢这个大而深的池塘,里面有太多奇怪的植物。
- It was full on the train, so I had to squeeze through to fetch the hot water. 火车太满了,我得挤过去接开水。
- When Jonathan Seagull joined the Flock on the beach, it was full night. 海鸥乔纳森回到海滩上的海鸥群中时,已是夜间了。
- It weighs as much as if it were full of gold bricks. 里边装的是金砖吧!
- It was full of overt propaganda and the props were primitive. 节目充满了明显的宣传,一点也不精致,道具都是简单。