- It smells of kerosene . 有煤油味儿。
- It smells of kerosene. 有煤油味儿。
- Have a smell of this wine, does it smell all right? 闻闻这酒, 没问题吧?
- Not only was it difficult to light, but it smelled of oil. 它不仅难于点着,而且闻起来有一股油味。
- Some smell of kerosene oil and wear thick silver watch chains on their vests . 有些身上尽是些煤油气,身上都带有粗的银链子的;
- Not only was it difficult to light,but it smelled of oil. 它不仅难于点着,而且闻起来有一股油味。
- It smelled of dogs and cats, of fear, of hopelessness. 那里弥漫着猫儿和狗儿的气味,还有恐惧和绝望的气息。
- Have a smell of this wine; is it all right? 你来闻一闻这酒,是好的吗?
- The smell of onions clings, doesn't it? 洋葱的味道一直都不散,是吗?
- Have a smell of this egg and tell me if it's bad. 闻闻这个蛋,告诉我坏没坏。
- We ran out of kerosene, wherefore we used coal. 煤油用完了,因此我们用煤。
- The fisherman's house smells of fish. 渔民家总有股鱼腥味。
- Get a whiff of this! It smells lovely doesn't it? 你闻闻,是不是很香?
- The air was reeking with the smell of tobacco. 空气中弥漫着烟草的气味。
- The dog was attracted by the smell of the meat. 狗受到肉味的引诱。
- A wild animal will sometimes freeze in its tracks when it smells an enemy. 野生动物有时候在嗅到敌人临近时会突然动也不动地站住。
- The smell of the flowers calls up my childhood. 这些花香使我回忆起了我的孩提时代。
- In the market, I breathed the smells of the Orient. 在集市上,我闻到了东方的气息。
- The smell of camphor makes me sick. 樟脑的味道使我感到恶心。
- We ran out of kerosene, whereforewe used coal. 煤油用完了,因此我们用煤。