- And I know it hurt so bad it broke your momma's heart.And it seemed like everything was just startin' to fall apart. 我知道这件事深深伤了你妈妈的心,眼前的一切征兆着家庭的毁灭。
- It seems to fall apart 似乎已经崩溃
- The whole of Harlem seemed to fall apart in the swirl of snow. 整个哈莱姆区好象散落在纷纷扬扬的雪花中了。
- It seems that humper is going to fall off my car. 我车的保险杆看上去好像要掉下来似的。
- It seems to me we'll have a heavy snow. 看来要下一场大雪了。
- It seems to me that we'll again fail in the exam. 在我看来,我们会再次考试不及格的。
- It seems to me that it will rain tonight. 我看今晚要下雨。
- His promising career began to fall apart. 他那本来前程似锦的生涯开始崩溃了。
- It seems to me that be would like to go back home. 我觉得他好象想要回家。
- It seems to me that you fall for good-looking guys. 依我看,你喜欢相貌潇洒的小伙子。
- It seems that DJIa doesn’t want to fall further so early. 高位跌左1260点落黎你仲沽?明天应该要反弹啦!
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- It seems to my grandfather that my father is still a child. 在我祖父看来,我爸爸仍然是个小孩。
- It may be a good report, but it seems to lack facts. 这或许是个好报告,但事实似乎还不充分。
- And it seemed like everything was just starting to fall apart 似乎一切都要毁灭了
- I can't open the cupboard, it seems to be nailed on. 我打不开食橱门,看来好像是给钉住了。
- Cheap clothes tend to fall apart when you wash them. 便宜衣物洗涤时容易破碎。
- Have you seen my book? It seems to have gone astray. 你看见我的书了吗?不知道搁哪里了。
- This article seems to fall off towards the end. 这篇文章写到结尾越来越糟。
- At one point it seemed that the plane would fall apart in the shaking. 有一个时候,飞机看来就要被震碎了。