- It requires that the connector use TLS before it tries AUTH. 它要求连接器在尝试AUTH之前使用TLS。
- It required that observing Temp-display and recording carefully during thaw. 解冻时仔细观察温度计且做好记录。
- It required that every examinee put down his/ her serial number rather than name on the answer sheet. 6要求所有考生都把自己的编号而不是姓名写在答案纸上。
- The situation requires that I should be there. 情况需要我在那里。
- The emergency requires that it should be done. 事情紧急,非这样做不可。
- For us to consider RTM “done”, it requires that all languages be completely finished. 对我们来说,考虑RTM “完成” ,它要求所有语言完全结束。
- This project's goal is to allow for easy installations of different source files. It requires that the source file have a standard "configure" script. 此项目的目的在于不同源文件的简单安装。它要求源文件有一个标准的“配置”脚本。
- Successively, it requires that each act be balanced with those which precede and come after, so that order of activity is achieved. 从前后连续来说,指导要求每一个动作和在它前后的动作取得平衡,使活动井然有序。
- It requires that methods of instruction and administration be modified to allow and to secure direct and continuous occupations with things. 实行这个原理,要求改变教学和管理的方法,使学生能够直接地和继续不断地利用东西作业。
- At a given time, it requires that, from all the tendencies that are partially called out, those be selected which center energy upon the point of need. 在一定时间,要求从所有被部分地唤起的倾向中,把集中精力于需要的那些倾向挑选出来。
- Therefore, an incomplete ascension is useless to the evolution of any creation for it requires that each soul ultimately begin again. 因此,一个不完全提升对任何造物的进化都是无益的,因为最后它需要每一灵魂再度开始。
- Sitting on it requires that you dont slouch, which is great for your back and works your abdominal muscles all day long, she said. 坐在训练球上,你就没办法驼背了,一整天都可以训练背部和腹部肌肉。
- It requires that students be comfortable with mathematical modeling, microeconomics, econometric analysis, and basic game theory. 要求学生必须熟悉数学建模、微观经济学、计量经济学分析以及博弈论基础。
- Convention requires that such meetings open with prayer. 惯例上要求这样的集会应当以祈祷开始。
- It requires great efforts to clarify sewage in cities. 净化城市的污水需要很大的努力。
- It requires that the respective degree of negligence of both parties be determined and compensation assessed accordingly. 要求确定当事各方的各自疏忽程度,并由此确定补偿金。
- It require change to the setup menu as show below. 它需对安装菜单做修改,如下所示。
- It requires that people should have the sense of scepticism, the rationality of criticism and the attitude of modesty.And it is a condit... 我国公众的科学精神等科学素养有待提高,这是实现现代化的必然要求。
- It requires government spending on a colossal scale. 这要求政府付出巨额开支。
- The law requires that everyone have his car checked at least once a year. 法令要求每个人一年至少检验一次自己的汽车。