- Generally speaking, it may be true. 听起来这好像是对的。
- "Your story may be true, or it may not," said the clerk, whose manner indicated incredulity. "你说的话可真可假,"售货员说道,态度里带著怀疑。
- He told me that it might be true. 他告诉过我那可能是真的。
- But it may be true that one can reach more microcomputer users with advertising. 可是刊登广告可以触及更多微电脑的使用者可能是真的。
- What you had seen couldn't be true, it might be a fallacy of the eye. 你所看到的不可能是真的,也许是你的视错觉。
- It might be true that the plant essential oils must be having a bight... 预计不久的将来植物精油在人类生活中必将具有广阔的应用前景。
- In COBOL,a statement that the content of an item is wholly alphabetic or wholly numeric. It may be true or false. COBOL语言中的一种语句,其项目的内容或者完全是字母或者完全是数字。它可以是真或伪。
- It may be said that education is the most important industry in the United States, which will soon be true of China. 可以说教育是美国最大的产业,中国也很快会如此。
- In COBOL, a statement that the content of an item is wholly alphabetic or wholly numeric. It may be true or false. COBOL语言中的一种语句,其项目的内容或者完全是字母或者完全是数字。它可以是真或伪。
- It might be true that, on purely legalistic terms, the factory is not accountable for the skin disease. 如果纯粹从法律角度而言,可能这家工厂不用为这种皮肤病负责。
- It may be a matter of months before it's ready. 要准备好可能得数月时间。
- It may be true that, if this were the best of all possible worlds, the food surplus in the developed countries would be sufficient to answer the needs of the starving millions elsewhere. 发达国家的剩余食品可以满足其它地方无数饥民的需要,这种说法,如果真可以成为现实的话,也许不会有错。
- It may also be true for AIDS and Syphilis. 爱滋病、梅毒等严重传染性疾病也可能通过角膜移植发生传染。
- It may be many years before we meet again. 大概要过许多年我们才能再见。
- Of course it may not be true, but he really drinks an awful lot. 当然这可能不是真的,但他确实喝得很多。
- It may be a very simple or complicated set of instructions. 这个指令的集合可能非常简单,也可能十分复杂。
- If your loved one claims to “only have eyes for you” this Valentine’s Day, it might be truer than you think. 如果你的心上人在这个情人节对你说“他(她)的眼里只有你”,这比你想象的可能还要符合事实。
- I thought it might be true. 我曾认为这可能是真的。
- King replied, “It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me but it can keep him from lynching me and I think that is pretty important, also. ,著名的美国民权运动领袖,1964年度诺贝尔和平奖获得者)回应道,“也许法律真的不可以让一个人爱上我,但是它可以保护我不受私刑,我认为这也是非常重要的。”
- Of course it may not be true,but he really drinks an awful lot. 当然这可能不是真的,但他确实喝得很多。