- It itches and oozes. 三叶毒藤的分泌使人发痒。
- I got bit and it itches,my left arm is swallen. 我被蚊子咬了,很痒,我的左胳膊都肿了。
- Sweep some of this on and tell me if it itches. 抹一些看看,如果会痒要告诉我。
- Sometimes, it itched and was sore, but other than that it didn't bother me. 这红疹有时会痛痒,但大部分时侯并无碍,只是看起来丑怪而讨厌。
- If it itches, it will Be scratched. We do that. 痒,那就挠呗!我们就这么做。
- Home is where you can scratch where it itches. 家是你能挠痒痒的地方。
- My eyes itch and I feel a sensation of dryness. 我眼睛有些干涩,还有些痒。
- If it itches, it will be scratched. 痒了我们就挠。
- Immediately after surgery, your eye may burn or itch and be watery. 手术刚完时你的眼睛会感觉灼热、发痒、多泪。
- Customer: My eyes itch and I feel a sensation of dryness. 顾客:我眼睛有些干涩,还有些痒。
- So he decided to scratch his own itch and began developing. 所以他决定搔他自己的痒处,并且开始开发。
- I don't know which clinic. I have a rash all over my body. It itches badly. 我不知道该挂哪个科。我混身起红疹;痒得厉害。
- Sap 1. The solution of mineral salts and sugars that is found in xylem and phloem vessels and oozes out of cut stems. 树液:1.;是植物木质部与韧皮部管状分子中存在的含多种无机盐与碳水化合物的混和溶液,可以从植物茎上的切口处渗出。
- He ached and he itched and he twitched and he bled. 他即痒又痛、全身抽搐,并且开始流血。
- I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch(挠) where it itches. 我有一个简单的哲学:空即添满,满即清空,哪儿痒痒挠哪儿。
- This morning, my skin itched and was all red. 今早我的皮肤痒得要命而且还发红。
- Hemorrhoids can itch and bleed (usually bright red blood, during defacation). 痔疮发痒、出血(在损伤过程中通常是鲜红的血)。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- My cheeks itched and when I scratched them I found tears. 我的脸颊有点发痒,我一挠,原来眼泪淌下来了。
- Brown was depressed; the jungle ulcers on his feet had begun to itch and smart. 布朗闷闷不乐;脚上的“丛林疮”又痛又痒。