- It is the philosophy of human progress is our day. 它是我们时代人类进步的哲学。
- It is the first time that I speak in public. 这是我第一次在公共场合发言。
- It is the jobof Parliament to legislate. 立法是议会的工作。
- It is the practice in Britain to drive on the left. 车辆靠左行驶是英国的制度。
- It is the translation of theories into practice. 这是理论到实践的转变。
- It is the most popular of movies. 这是最受欢迎的电影。
- It is the time you should go to bed. 你该去睡觉了。
- It is regarded as the Supreme Being amongst all creatures. 它被视为所有的生物中的上帝。
- It is the sort of night when phantom may walk. 这种夜晚正是幽灵出没的时候
- It is the simplest signal to make, in time of danger or disaster. 这是在遇到危险或灾难的时候能发出的最简单的信号。
- It is the partisan who drove the enemy forces out of our country. 是游击队员把敌人从我们国家赶出去的。
- It is the philosophy of human progress. 它是我们时代人类进步的哲学。
- At any period of history it is the unemployed who find life to be a bed of thorns. 无论在哪一个历史时期,感到生活是一种煎熬的总是失业者。
- The noun "mouse" is singular; it is the singular form of "mice". 名词“mouse”是单数,它是“mice”的单数形式。
- It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks. 现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。
- It is the best film that I have ever seen. 这是我所看过的最好的电影。
- It is the first time when we work together. 那是我们第一次共事的日子。
- It is the great who is assailed by envy. 正是大人物才受到嫉妒的中伤。
- It is the most worrying day he has ever spent. 那是他当时所度过最恼人的一天。
- It is the kick of the ass at the dying lion. 这可真是蠢驴对垂死的雄狮猛踢了一脚。