- It is beyond discussion that those islands are Chinese territory. 那些岛屿是中国的领土,这是没有讨论余地的。
- It is beyond your power to do that on the sunny side of thirty. 三十岁之内你没能力做这个事情.
- It is beyond my power to sell it cheaper. 我不能以更低的价格出售。
- It is beyond my power to arrange the meeting. 安排这样的会议超出了我的能力。
- It is beyond example in history. 这在历史上是史无前例的。
- It is beyond the limit of my ability. 这超出了我的能力。
- I wash my hands of this; it is beyond me. 这事我不管了,我干不了。
- If it is beyond John,it is certainly beyond me. 如果约翰弄不懂的话,我肯定也弄不懂。
- It is beyond the confines of human knowledge. 这超出了人类的知识范围。
- It is beyond (=out of) all comparison. 这是无可比拟的。
- It is beyond your right to sign such a contract. 你无权签定这样的合同。
- If it is beyond John, it is certainly beyond me. 如果约翰弄不懂的话,我肯定也弄不懂。
- It is beyond dispute that he is correct in his conclusion. 他的结论的正确性是用不着争论的。
- It is beyond the bounds of human knowledge. 这已超出人类知识的范围。
- It is beyond the bounds of the country. 这是在国家境界之外。
- It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge. 这超过了当前的知识水平的范围。
- Love is beyond reason,it is superrational. 爱情无道理可言,超乎常理!
- It is beyond cynical to suggest otherwise. 这是超越愤世嫉俗地建议去这样做。”
- If the work is beyond Tom, it is certainly beyond me. 如果汤姆干不了这项工作,我也干不了。
- It is a natural disaster which is beyond our control. 这是人力无法控制的"不可抗拒"事故。