- It feels most comfortable. 它穿起来很舒服。
- Clarissa felt most comfortable on a line of beds that cost around $3,800.The bed she liked was so soft it felt like sinking into a giant bowl of Jell-O. 克拉丽莎对一类售价约3,800美元的床最满意,她最中意的那张床软得让人躺上去就像跌进了一大盒果冻。
- It feels like a bigger, more comfortable cage, as one dissident puts it.But still a cage. 拿不同政见者的话说,中国现在就像一个更大、更宽松的牢笼,但是,归根结底,中国还是个牢笼。
- Maintain a relationship with me and treat me in a manner with which he or she feels most comfortable. 与我保持关系,以他感到最舒适的方式对待我。
- It is,of course,human nature everywhere for people to feel more comfortable in the company of their own kind. 当然,和来自同一族群的人在一起,总会让人感到比较轻松自在。
- Studies have found that they tend to feel most comfortable at about 21 inches apart. 研究发现,双方相距大约21英寸时,他们感到最自在。
- If you feel more comfortable about it, though, you can stow it beneath the seat in front of you. 但如果你觉得放在你前面座位底下比较放心的话,就放在那儿好了。
- It feels much colder in a windy day than when it is calm. 寒冷的感觉在大风的日子比在无风时会更加强烈。
- Put your chair forward a little and you will feel more comfortable. 把椅子往前挪挪,你会感到更舒服点儿。
- Guti said he would like to play as an attacking midfielder against Bayern Munich because that's the position he feels most comfortable in. 古蒂说,他喜欢在对拜仁的比赛中扮演一个中场进攻者的角色,因为这个位置他感觉最合适。
- We would feel more comfortable with the additional protection. 有额外的保障会让我们觉得安全些。
- Pierre: What would make Pacer feel more comfortable? 皮瑞尔:那么什么才能让你们可以接受呢?
- Bones : Would "teat" make you feel more comfortable? 乳头"这个词会让你比较舒服吗?)
- After along walk, I drew off my socks, bathed my sore feet, and then felt much more comfortable. 走远路之后,我脱下袜子,洗洗疼痛的双脚,然后觉得舒服多了。
- Comedian Ellen DeGeneres and her actress partner Portia de Rossi topped a poll that asked American moms which celebrities they would feel most comfortable leaving their kids with. 一项调查表明,在美国的妈妈们看来,把孩子交给喜剧演员艾伦-德詹尼丝和她的伴侣、女星波蒂亚-德罗西感觉最放心。
- It feels more like a deft act of collaboration between the living and the dead, one melding easily with the other. 如果这是一种巧妙的抄袭的话,我们读来完全感觉不到,更想是逝者和在者的完美合奏,轻松而优美。
- Many beginner poker players naturally gravitate toward a level of game where they feel most comfortable. 很多初学扑克的玩家自然被他们感到最舒服的一个级别的游戏所吸引。
- It feels more like playing around, and not trying to be very serious and make something flawless. 它比较像在玩,而不是很严肃地去把歌做得至臻完美。
- Many evangelicals plainly feel more comfortable backing one of their own. 许多福音派教徒认为在志同道合者的领导下会更适合。
- The people with whom Warren felt most comfortable encouraged his antisocial impulses. 沃伦和有些人呆在一起觉得最惬意,他们助长了他这种逆反的冲动。