- It faced a blank wall. 只有一面光秃秃的墙。
- "I don't know if I can take much more of this," Cyndie says, facing a blank wall, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. "“我不知道自己还能不能再承受下去了。”她一边说着,一边面对着一面空白的强,一边用纸巾擦着眼睛。
- Attempts to get further information by questioning the captives ran into a blank wall. 审讯俘虏以获得更多情报的试图未能取得任何进展。
- The long road from Atlanta to Tara had ended, ended in a blank wall, the road that was to end in Ellen's arms. 从亚特兰大到塔拉,这漫长的道路算是结束了,在一堵空白的墙上结束了,它本来是要在爱伦怀抱中结束的!
- Would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading railway bye-laws while waiting for a train? 当你等候列车的时候,只能直愣愣地对着一面白墙,或者只能阅读铁路运输细则,你会喜欢吗?
- You can adopt a similar system so that you will always have something to write about and will never face a blank screen wondering what on earth to say. 当然,你也可以采用类似的系统使你在博客上有东西可写,从而不用面对空白的屏幕,殚精竭虑的思考到底写些什么。
- LOOK inside the wardrobe in your house. What jumps to your eyes? Just a blank wall? Or maybe a door to a secret fairyland? 打开家里的衣橱,看看它的背后是否也隐藏了一个奇异的魔法国度!
- Japan again finds itself leaderless as it faces a collapsing economy. 面临着经济危机,日本再次发现自己群龙无首。
- The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs. 警察面对一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴徒。
- In the blank wall there also lies a religious significance. ( Bodhidharma, the first Zen priest, sat facing a stone wall for nine years.) To the Zen Buddhist it means the end, the ultimate. 白墙同时也具有宗教的重要性。(菩提达摩,中国佛教禅宗之祖,曾对着一面石墙坐了九年)禅宗认为这就是终结。
- He faced a court martial for disobeying orders. 他因不服从命令受到军法审判。
- I do not mind that, do it face South? 这些我倒不在乎,是不是朝南?
- From the second a young animal is born- whether wolf, cheetah, crocodile or zebra- it faces a struggle to survive. 其实在动物宝宝诞生的那一刻起,无论是狼、豹、鱼还是斑马的宝宝,都得面临生存的挣扎和考验。
- Print a blank SED and fill it out manually. 列印空白SED,再动手填写。
- Love is a blank poetry, rhyme it with your heart. 爱情就像一页空白的诗篇,用你的心去谱写她的旋律吧。
- Ocelot: (laughing) It was a blank! That was fun. (大笑)那是空弹!真有趣。
- The cradle had been very well chosen.It was the garden of a local millionaire, in the countryside of the P'ing-ch'eng district;it faced a stream with mountains in the background. 摇篮也挑选得很好,在平成县乡下一个本地财主家的花园里,面溪背山。
- The box contains cream cakes so it's important to carry it face up. 这盒内装着奶油蛋糕,因此要面朝上拿。
- A blank field descriptor is a descriptor to make blank on output. 一个空白字段描述符是在输出中形成空格的描述符。
- I tried looking him up in the directory but I draw a blank. 我在电话簿上找他的名字,但未找到。