- Real-timePCR
- (<TIME>2000年11月16日</TIME>,斯里巴加湾)on November 16 at Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.
- RT-PCR和real time PCR法检测胎盘蜕膜组织HLA-G mRNA。Use RT-PCR and real time PCR to quantify the HLA-G mRNA on deciduas.
- Key-Time法Key-Time method
- 查找指定日期的START TIME,或BETWEEN.AND范围的开始时间。Find the START TIME for that date, or the beginning of the BETWEEN. AND range.
- TIME_WAIT截断TIME_WAIT truncation
- Time-to-CountTime-to-Count
- 比如多数SOA设计中的XML模式都定义了了响应的time-to-live值。Consider that most XML schemas in SOA designs define a time-to-live value for a response.
- Time-to-Count技术Time-to-Count method
- Time-to-Count方法Time-to-Count method
- time中的e不发音。The "e" in " time" is a silent letter.
- [event,time+] 临近to draw near
- Time-to-Count测量方法Time-to-Count Method
- 问时间时记住在time前加?The. What time is it now? Have you got the time? What time have you got? May I ask the time?
- nested-real-time-PCRnested-real-time PCR
- max_input_time以秒为单位设定了脚本接收输入的最大时间,包括文件上传。Max_input_time sets the maximum time, in seconds, the script is allowed to receive input; this includes file uploads.
- 如果Time Machine无法备份到iDiskIf Time Machine won't back up to an iDisk
- 第二章则介绍了本文中所使用的主要的三个语料库,它们是BNC、MICASE和TIME。The second chapter introduces three main corpora used in the paper: BNC, MICASE, and Time.
- 由time参数表示的同一DateTime值。The same DateTime value represented by the time parameter.
- 我可以说,“Long time no see”吗?Can I say, "Long time no see"?