- (1889-1945)二战中,德国的独裁者。(1889-1945) German dictator during World War II.
- 日内瓦协议(1962)Geneva Agreements
- RTCP由RFC 3550定义(取代作废的RFC 1889)。It is defined in RFC 3550 (which obsoletes RFC 1889).
- 1962至1963年在中央音乐学院任教。She worked as a teacher at the Conservatory from 1962 to 1963.
- 大仓鼠(Cricetulus triton de Winton, 1889)种群分化及其环境适应Population Divergency and Environmental Adaptation of Greater Long-tailed Hamster (Cricetulus Triton de Winton, 1889)
- 卡特(1962)曾假定,粘着区域发生在接触的前缘。Carter (1962) assumed that the zone of adhesion occurred at the leading edge of the contact.
- 贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(1889-1964),印度独立后的第一任总理(1947-1964)。Jawaharlal Nehru (1889--1964), first prime minister of independent India (1947--1964).
- 艾肯,康拉德·波特1889-1973美国作家,主要以诗歌闻名。其作品诗选获1930年度普利策奖American writer noted primarily for his poetry. He won a1930 Pulitzer Prize for Selected Poems.
- 史密斯(1962)提出了三种不同方法以计算不均匀沙的当量直径。Smith (1962) considered three alternate methods to determine an equivalent diameter of graded sediment.
- 布赖特,约翰1811-1889英国政治家和著名演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年)British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839).
- 史密斯(1962)提出了三种不同方法以计算不均匀沙的当量直径。Smith (1962) considered three alternate methods to determine an equivalent diameter of graded sediment.
- 生存、适应与融合:牙买加华人社区的形成与发展(1854-1962)Survival,Adaptation and Integration: Origins and Evolution of the Chinese Community in Jamaica(1854-1962)
- (1889-1964)和甘地一起为地方自治而奋斗的印度政治家;从1947到1964年是印度共和国的第一任总理。(1889-1964) Indian statesman and leader with Gandhi in the struggle for home rule; was the first Prime Minister of the Republic of India from 1947 to 1964.
- 布赖特,约翰1811-1889英国政治家和著名演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年)。British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839).
- 特别是我们这些人口激增时期(1946-1962)出生的人,热衷于“参与”什么的。Especially us baby boomer- participation and all that jazz.
- 萨摩亚是一个国家的德国前殖民地,1914年新西兰捕获并给予1962独。The country Samoa is a former German colony, captured by New Zealand in 1914 and granted independence in 1962.
- 津巴利斯特,埃弗莱姆1889-1985俄裔美国小提琴家,他以纯正的音调和解释的能力而著名Russian-born American violinist noted for his pure intonation and interpretive sense.
- 威廉·福克纳(1897-1962)是二十世纪美国最杰出的小说家之一。William Faulkner (1897-1962) is one of the most distinguished modern novelists in America in the 20th century.
- 焦耳,詹姆斯 普雷斯科特1818-1889英国物理学家,为热量机械理论奠定基础,并发现了热力学第一定律British physicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and discovered the first law of thermodynamics.
- 奥格登,查尔斯·凯1889-1957英国心理学家和教育家,设计了基础英语-由850个词组成的简化英语形式。A city of northern Utah north of Salt Lake City. Settled by Mormons in the1840's,it is a railroad junction with aerospace and other varied industries. Population,63,909.