- Islamic Army of Aden ( IAA ) 亚丁伊斯兰军
- Islamic Army of Aden 亚丁伊斯兰军
- An army of ants swarmed over the sand-hill. 一大群蚂蚁在沙丘上爬动。
- He joined the army of his own accord. 他自愿参军。
- Field an army of campaign workers. 发动了一大群助选员
- Pirates seize four ships in Gulf of Aden. 海盗在亚丁湾抢占四艘船.
- The local population is kept under by a brutal army of mercenaries. 当地居民备受野蛮雇佣军的欺压。
- The Ash Shihr, Yemen Port is located on the Gulf of Aden. 也门AshShihr港位于亚丁湾。
- There is an army of rats infesting this house. 有一大群老鼠在这幢房子出没。
- He served as military adviser to the army of Qin. 他担任秦国的军师。
- In 1958, the army of Iraq overthrew the monarchy. 1958年,伊拉克的军队推翻了君主制。
- At the concert, there was an army of bodyguards. 音乐会上有大批的保安。
- There they forme an army of about two thousand men. 他们在那里组建了一支两千人的军队。
- An army of ants marched across the path. 一大群蚂蚁浩浩荡荡地穿过小径。
- Doctors would inject you with an army of nanocells. 医生有可能给你注射一群纳米细胞。
- The increasing army of the unemployed has attracted the attention of the economist. 不断增长的失业大军引起了这名经济学家的关注。
- The indictment says one of the su ects (Narseal Batiste) told an al-Qaida representative in 2005 that he was organizing a mi ion to build an Islamic army to wage jihad. 起诉书说,其中一名嫌疑人在2005年告诉基地组织的代表,他正在组建伊斯兰军队,以发动圣战。
- A surprise attack widowed the army of its supplies. 一次奇袭使军队丧失了补给品。
- A country in eastern Africa on the Gulf of Aden,formerly under French control. 临亚丁湾的非洲东部一国家,以前被法国控制。
- The indictment says one of the suspects (Narseal Batiste) told an al-Qaida representative in 2005 that he was organizing a mission to build an Islamic army to wage jihad. 起诉书说,其中一名嫌疑人在2005年告诉基地组织的代表,他正在组建伊斯兰军队,以发动圣战。