- 在1958到1959这年中,迁进了1万户人家。In 1958-1959 10000 families moved in.
- 许地山(1893-1941)台湾人。Xu Dishan (1893 - 1941) was from Taiwan.
- 传递的增强状态代码-RFC 1893Enhanced Status Codes for Delivery - RFC 1893"
- 从“山城啤酒1958” 忆中加小麦外交Recalling the Chinese and Canadian wheat diplomacy from "the mountain city beer 1958"
- 麦克-马洪,M.-E.-P.-M.de(1808-1893)Marie-Edme-Patrice-Maurice de Mac-Mahon (1808~1893)
- 载有出生年份为1958至1969年的旧身份证将会停止有效Old identity cards bearing the year of birth from 1958 to 1969 shall cease to be valid
- 罗迪·多伊尔(1958 -)是一位爱尔兰当代作家。Roddy Doyle (1958 -) is one of the contemporary Irish novelists.
- 论四射珊瑚包珊瑚科(AmplexidaeChapman,1893)的分类ON TAXONOMY OF THE FAMILY AMPLEXIDAE CHAPMAN,1893
- 阿尔德,库尔特1902-1958德国化学家,因其有关有机物结构的发现而获1950年的诺贝尔奖German chemist. He shared a1950 Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning the structure of organic matter.
- 任熊(1822-1857)、任薰(1835-1893)两兄弟曾师法明末画家陈洪绶Ren Xiong (1822-1857) and Ren xun (1835-1893) were brothers who had learned from painter Chen Hongshou of the late Ming Dynasty.
- 自 1958 年以来,空气中的二氧化碳含量已经增加了 25%。Since 1958, the proportion of CO2 in our air has risen 25 percent.
- 任熊(1822-1857)、任薰(1835-1893)两兄弟曾师法明末画家陈洪绶,Ren Xiong (1822-1857) and Ren Xun (1835-1893) were brothers who had learned from painter Chen Hongshou of the late Ming Dynasty.
- 自从1958 年以来,儿童都按照常规接种防治小儿麻痹症的疫苗。Children have been routinely immunized against polio since 1958.
- 周伊特,本杰明1817-1893英国古典学者,以翻译柏拉图和亚里士多德的作品著名British classical scholar known for his translations of Plato and Aristotle.
- mGluR5拮抗剂SIB-1893逆转6-OHDA抑制星形胶质细胞摄取谷氨酸的作用SIB-1893 reversed 6-OHDA-induced inhibitory effect on glutamate uptake of astrocytes
- 史坦希尔与科恩察觉到的日光减弱速率,在1958~92年之间,每10年高达2.7%。Stanhill and Cohen have pegged the solar reduction at 2.7 percent per decade over the period from 1958 to 1992.
- 韦斯顿,爱德华1886-1958美国摄影家,他的风景和裸体照的现实主义的反映影响了摄影艺术American photographer whose stark, realistic images of landscapes and nudes influenced photographic art.
- 卢斯,安尼塔1893?-1981美国作家,以其小说绅士爱金发女郎(1925年)最著名American writer who is best known for her novel Gentlemen Prefer Blondes(1925).
- 哈罗德·克莱顿,1893-1981美国化学家,因发现氘(重氢)获得1934年诺贝尔奖American chemist. He won a1934 Nobel Prize for his discovery of heavy hydrogen
- 保利,乌夫冈1900-1958奥地利裔美国物理学家,因其在核裂变研究上的贡献而获1945年度诺贝尔奖Austrian-born American physicist. He won a1945 Nobel Prize for work on atomic fissions.