- Isachne albensn. 白花柳叶箬
- Revision of the genus Isachne B.Br. (Gramineae) of China. 中国禾本科植物志资料之一,国产柳叶__属的重订.
- This recipe is tested with ALBEN Elements by DC DUBY, other albumen may be substituted but results may differ. 杜比夫妇试用ALBEN蛋白粉以制作此甜点,也可改用其他蛋白粉,但效果也许不同。
- The masterly statement of our keynote speaker, the distinguished United States senator from Kentucky, Alben Barley, made that point with great force. 我们的主要发言人,尊敬的肯塔基州美国参议员阿尔本.巴克利的精辟讲话切中要害。
- Isachne beneckein. 小花柳叶箬
- Isachne ciliatifloran. 纤毛柳叶箬
- Albensöder 阿尔本瑟德
- Isachne debilisn. 荏弱柳叶箬
- Isachne depauperatan. 瘦瘠柳叶箬
- Isachne disparn. 二型柳叶箬
- Isachne globosan. 柳叶箬
- Albenn. 阿尔本
- Isachne hainanensisn. 海南柳叶箬
- Isachne hoin. 浙江柳叶箬
- Isachne miliacean. 类黍柳叶箬
- Isachne nipponensisn. 日本柳叶箬
- Isachne repensn. 匍匐柳叶箬
- Isachne tenuisn. 细弱柳叶箬
- Isachne truncatan. 平颖柳叶箬
- Section Isachnen. 柳叶箬组