- Her jealousy is the mainspring of the novel's plot. 这部小说情节中贯穿了她的忌妒之心。
- Marseilles is the locale of the novel. 马赛是这部小说的背景地点。
- This is the ending of the novel. 这就是那部小说的结局。
- When is the novel coming out in paperback? 那部小说的平装本什么时候出版?
- The man is the hero of the novel. 那个男人是小说中的英雄。
- This is the very best novel I've read lately. 这是我最近读过的最好的小说。
- The plan of the novel is the author rs original creation. 这部小说的构思是作者的独创。
- The plan of the novel is the author's original creation. 这部小说的构思是作者的独创。
- The actual theme of the novel is the eternal spirit of Santiago. 通过桑提亚哥硬汉性格来礼赞人类的永恒价值,才成为小说的真正主题。
- The heroine in the novel is the author's real portraiture. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- This is the polished version of the novel for your review. 你再看看润过色的这本小说。
- "Memories of a geisha" is the novel I am reading now. 不要爱情真的需要一个理由吗?需要吗?不需要吗?需要吗?
- He is the very person that knows the password. 只有他知道密码。
- Which is the most interesting subject for you? 哪个科目对你来说最有趣?
- Sunday is the day when very few people go to work. 星期日是没什麽人上班的日子。
- The sense of the novel is the inevitaBility of human tragedy. 小说的含义是人类悲剧的不可避免性
- She is the very mirror of virtue. 她是贞洁的典范。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
- The new factory is the embodiment of the very latest ideas. 这座新工厂是那些最新设想的体现。