- Is it worth watching? 值得一看吗?
- If yes, is it worth the cost of implementation? 如有,是否值得投资?
- You gotta ask yourself, is it worth it? 你必须问你自己,这一切是否值得?
- Is it worth a go? / Shall I have a try? 这值得一试吗?/我是不是应该试一下?
- The Cost of Conformance and Compliance: What Is It Worth to You? 成本的适应性与灵活性:对你来说意味着什么?
- A human is likely to be cloned, and soon. Is it worth the risk? 不久人类就可能被克隆出来。冒这样的险值得吗?
- Is it worth sacrificing one's personal interests for health? 为了健康牺牲嗜好,值得吗?
- So I'm left wondering: Is it worth it for me to get a housekeeper? 因此我不再疑惑:是否值得要一个保姆?
- Definitely. It is worth watching a hundred times. 那还用说,这部影片我是百看不厌。
- Each movie has to have enough scenes containing important lessons about the physical sciences to make it worth watching, Efthimiou said. 每部电影必须内含足够的重要物理科学课题的场景才值得看,艾夫提米奥这麽说。
- It is well worth watching the biographical films. 自传电影很值得一看。
- Ergonovine test in angina with normal coronary arteries. Is it worth doing it? 对冠状动脉正常的心绞痛患者行麦角新碱试验是否值得?
- I'll tell you something I've often debated with myself, is it worth it? 想告诉你我心里翻来覆去思考的一个问题,这划得来吗?
- Is it worth working your fingers to the bone for a woman who does not love you? 为一个不爱你的女人拼命工作,值得吗?
- I see it first time,who can tell me in detail?Is it worth collecting? 本人是头一次见,那位大佬给说说?来自东南亚那国?值得收藏吗?
- Annie: Definitely. It is worth watching a hundred times. 安妮:那还用说,这部影片我是百看不厌。
- Is it worth waiting for and pursuing that one at the cost of our youth? 这一切值得我们用青春作代价去等待和追求吗?
- I don't think it is worth watching, because Matrix Iis a hit. 那不值得看。我认为那不值得看。
- This episode is really worth watching. 这一集真是太值得一看了。