- Irradiation surveillance 辐照监督
- The act or a period of observing; surveillance. 观察; 警戒观察或监视的行为或时间
- Detectives kept the quarry under surveillance for weeks. 侦探们监测那个目标已有好几个星期了。
- We must keep these people under close surveillance. 对这些人我们要严密监视。
- The diplomat is placed under police surveillance. 外交官被置于警察的监视之下。
- Irradiation can also sterilizemeat. 辐射还能对肉类进行消毒。
- The surveillance radar is unserviceable. 监视雷达不工作。
- Do you know what is food irradiation technology? 知不知道什麽是食品辐射照射技术?
- He is still under police surveillance. 他仍然受到警方的监视。
- Above the man's head we see surveillance cameras. 我们在这个人的头顶上方看到了监控摄像头
- AWACS surveillance; AWACS operations. 机载警报和控制系统监视;机载警报和控制系统操作
- Describe the surveillance system for the area. 描述一个地区的监测系统。
- Shut down the surveillance cameras for the hotel. 为了进入监狱关闭监视器系统。
- Surveillance finds where the problems reside. 监测能够发现问题所在。
- The diplomatwas placed under police surveillance. 外交官被置于警察的监视之下。
- The suspects were under police surveillance. 嫌疑犯受警察的监犯。
- The mechanism of infrared irradiation function is invesitgated. 探讨了红外辐射对机体的作用机制。
- Lonsdale was put under intensive surveillance. 于是,朗斯代尔被置于严密监视之下。
- Other causes of poor healing include previous irradiation. 不良愈合的其它原因包括以往的放射治疗。
- AWACS surveillance;AWACS operations. 机载警报和控制系统监视;机载警报和控制系统操作