- Iron rusts easily. 铁易生锈。
- Having the color of iron rust; reddish-brown. 铁锈色的;赤褐色的
- Just as iron rusts from disuse, even so does inaction spoil the intellect. 正如铁不用会生锈一样,懒惰也会消磨智力。
- Iron gathers rust easily. 铁易生锈。
- Obvious fruity and sweet smell, peachy and honey, with a hint of iron rust. 甜水果的味道扑鼻而来.;感觉有水蜜桃和蜂蜜
- Natural chemical reactions also take place when iron rusts, or when peat is formed. 铁生锈和泥煤的形成也是天然的化学反应。
- Humid environment reflective lenses rust easily, or are likely to cause a short circuit sparking discharge laser. 潮湿环境容易使反射镜片生锈,同时也容易造成电路短路或激光器放电打火。
- On Earth, any natural metallic iron rusts in our wet, oxygenated environment, so we rely on iron oxides such as haematite to make steel. 在地球上湿润并充斥着氧气的环境中,任何天然的金属铁都会生锈。因此,我们依靠象赤铁矿中的氧化铁来制造钢材。
- Iron rusts in the moist air. 铁在潮湿的空气中会生锈。
- Iron rusts at its exposure to the open air on account of the corrosion made by the destructive chemical attack of a l coming into contact with such media as air,water and moisture. 金属在接触空气、水和湿气等介质时会受到破坏性的化学侵蚀,由于这种腐蚀,铁暴露在露天时要生锈。
- Iron rusts at its exposure to the open air on account of the corrosion made by the destructive chemical attack of a metal coming into contact with such media as air,water and moisture. 金属在接触空气、水和湿气等介质时会受到破坏性的化学侵蚀,由于这种腐蚀,铁暴露在露天时要生锈。
- Iron can be rusted easily. 铁容易生锈。
- Before cheaking, all disassembled components should be thoroughly cleaned, make sure wether the components needs to be repaired by elimilating grease, varnish particles, iron rust as well as deposited carbon. 在检查之前,所有分解部件应清洗干净,应去除润滑脂漆粒、积碳和铁锈,以确定零部件是否需要修理。
- Flakes of rust are falling from the old iron pan. 一片片的锈从旧铁锅上落下。
- Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust. 铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。
- The iron pipe is scaly with rust. 铁管子因为生锈一片片剥落了。
- How can I remove the rust from the iron door? 我怎样才能把铁门上的锈除掉呢?
- He don't get no iron rust here!' 这儿并没有铁锈呀
- 'Where does my father get all that iron rust from? “我爸爸那铁锈是从什么地方来的呢?
- The metal has corroded (away) because of rust. 该金属已锈蚀。