- Invest now to Stop TB 遏制结核病从现在开始投入
- Pay for research now to Stop TB 现在为结核病研究投入经费以遏制结核病
- International A.N.S.W.E.R (Act Now to Stop War &End Racism). (现在就行动起来,阻止战争,结束种族歧视!)
- Businesses must also play a stronger role to stop TB at the workplace and in communities. 企业也应该在工作场所和社区结核病防治中发挥重要作用。
- International A. N. S. W. E. R( Act Now to Stop War& End Racism). (现在就行动起来,阻止战争,结束种族歧视!
- "The financial crisis must not derail the implementation of the Global Plan to Stop TB. “绝不能让金融危机妨碍控制结核病全球计划的实施工作。
- A key component of the Global Plan to Stop TB and the Stop TB Strategy is to empower people with TB, and affected communities. 全球结核病防治规划和遏制结核病战略的一个主要组成部分就是动员结核病人和感染人群参与控制结核病。
- Dalian, welcomes you to invest now! 到大连投资吧!
- Through intensive, immediate and generous investment from governments, multilateral agencies, foundations, businesses and individuals we have the power to Stop TB. 通过政府、边组织、金会、业和个人广泛的、时的、慨的投入,我们有能力遏制结核病。
- In January 2006, "the Global Plan to Stop TB 2006 - 2015 Actions for Life" was launched. The plan aims to provide access to TB treatment to all, and develop a new vaccine by 2015. 在2006年的一月,“2006-2015全球停止结核病生命活动计划”开始发起,这个计划目的在于提供结核病的治疗给大众、及在2015年前发展出新的疫苗。
- Every breath counts - Stop TB now! 控制结核病,让每一次呼吸更健康!
- Gareth Thomas said: "We have a window of opportunity now to stop a full blown Aids epidemic in China. Gareth Thomas说:“我们正面临着一个大好机会,来阻止艾滋病在中国的大规模蔓延。
- These fears ought now to be laid. 这些疑惧现在可以平息了。
- I'm handing you over now to our home affairs correspondent. 现在请听本台记者报道的国内新闻。
- He hasn't the willpower to stop eating so much. 他缺乏意志力,克制不住自己的贪吃。
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。
- It's down to you now to look after the family business. 现在得靠你照管家族生意了。
- He interposed himself between them to stop them fighting. 他挤进两人中间,阻止他们打架。
- Download now to stop a Web site or HTML e-mail from deleting digital certificates on your computer and preventing you from using the services they are associated with. 立即下载可以停止网站或HTML电子邮件删除您电脑上的数位凭证,并避免您使用相关的服务。
- If you invest now, you will be buying at rock bottom. The shares are at their very lowest today. 如果你现在把钱投进去,你将以最低价买进,今天股票行市最低。