- In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience. 课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。
- In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience. 课程除了介绍一般电脑知识外, 还提供实际操作的机会。
- This course is designed as an introduction to the subject. 这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而开设的。
- In addition to giving a general introduction to computer,the course also provides practical experience. 课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。
- Richard P. Lippmann, ”An Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets”,IEEE ASSP Mag.pp.4-22,April 1987. 林升甫、洪成安,神经网路入门与图样辨识,全华图书有限公司。
- R.P. Lippmann, “An Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets”, IEEE ASSP Magazine, pp. 4-17, April 1987. 蔡宜成;类神经网路模式应用与实作;儒林图书有限公司;2000年4月七版.
- J. Setubal and J. Meidanis, Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology , PWS Pub lishing Company, 1997. 钟杨聪,张立雪和林顺富编译,分子生物学,伟明图书有限公司,2003
- This book is titled An Introduction to American Literature. 这本书名为《美国文学指南》。
- After giving an elementary introduction to algebras, we then introduce algebras and algebraic techniques that apply directly to computer science. 在第十章,我们除了基本讲述代数外,还介绍了直接应用于计算机科学的代数方面的技术。
- This subject is about the dynamics of networks, but excludes the biophysics of single neurons, which will be taught in 9.29 Introduction to Computational Neuroscience. 这个科目是关于网络动力学,但不包含单一神经元的生物物理学,单一神经元的生物物理学将在9.;29计算神经科学导论中教授。
- All data has to be read in to computers. 所有的数据都必须读入计算机。
- This course includes (1) Introduction to computer peripherals and interfaces, (2) Introduction to PCI spec, (3) USB devices and interface, (4) ATAPI and SATA. 课程内容包含:(1)虚拟实境简介,(2)人类感觉系统,(3)虚拟实境设备,(4)立体影像,(5)立体影像的程式,(6)虚拟实境的应用。
- The key to computers is miniaturization. 计算机的关键就是微型化。
- She was shy at her introduction to the guests. 她备介绍给客人时有些害羞。
- Be eager to learn and have no allergy to computers. 热心学习且能接受电脑。
- VTC Introduction To Computer F. 计算机取证教程。
- The children are addicted to computer games. (喻)孩子们对计算机游戏上了瘾。
- I didn't wish to compute that thought further. 我不愿进一步推断那个想法。
- Ask the waiter to compute the bill. 请侍者算帐。
- Connect to computers by using dial-up networking. 使用拨号网络与计算机连接。