- Intracerebral EEG 大脑内EEG
- At the moment, EEG's uses are mostly medical. 当前,脑电图技术被广泛用于医学领域。
- Effects of Noise and Music on EEG Power Spectrum. 噪声和音乐对脑电功率谱的影响。
- EEG Biofeedack Training for Tourette Syndrome. 慢性抽动障碍的脑电生物反馈治疗。
- Study of EEG and BEAM in 825 healthy elders. 825例健康老人的脑电图、脑电地形图分析
- Wireless communication of EEG signal. 脑电信号无线通信;
- EEG and QEEG of 12 patients with porencephaly. 12 例脑穿通畸形的脑电图和定量脑电图
- EEG has been a mainstay of psychiatry for decades. 数十年来是精神病学的中流砥柱。
- Evacuation of Intracerebral Hematoma Is Likely to Be Beneficial? 血肿清除有可能成为脑出血患者的有效治疗方法吗?
- Intracerebral hemorrhage is a common neurological emergency. 脑出血是神经内科常见急症。
- Methods EEG was determined in 31 childen′s deaf mutism. 方法对 31例聋哑儿童作详细脑电图检查 ,并将脑电图结果进行分析。
- So the analysis and process of the EEG signals are always attended. 因此对脑电信号的分析和处理一直是人们努力研究的领域。
- Detection of Spikes in Epileptic EEG by Using Wavelet Series. 利用小波级数检测癫痫eeg中的棘波
- EEG data collection charts are attached to this report. EEG测试图表检附报告。
- Study on EEG in 32 patients with hepatolenticular degeneration. 32例肝豆状核变性患者的脑电图研究
- Thirteen clinical seizures were observed during EEG monitoring. EEG监测期间共发生13次临床发作。
- Intracerebral tuberous sclerosis is usually followed by serial CT or MR images. 脑内结节硬化往往进行系列的CT和MR检查。
- The typical FE had moderate change in EEG with 22.8%. 普通型脑炎患者脑电图以中度异常为主;占22.;8%25;
- Infarction is the most common cause of secondary intracerebral hemorrhage. 脑梗塞是继发性颅内出血最常见的诱因。
- Bispectral Analysis of EEG Signal during Focal Cerebral Ischemia. 局灶性脑缺血脑电信号的双谱分析