- Interstate Commerce Commission of the U.S. 美国国内商业委员会
- There were to be no tariffs or taxes on interstate commerce. 对各州之间的贸易不得课取关税或捐税。
- Thus it follows that states may not regulate interstate commerce. 这样便形成了州将不再管理州际贸易的局面。
- Interstate Highway Commission; interstate highways; Interstate Commerce Commission; interstate commerce. 州际公路考察团;州际公路;州际商务委员会;州际贸易。
- They quarrel with Taft over the terms of a bill to strengthen the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission. 他们与塔夫脱就加强州际商业委员会的权力法案的条款争吵不休。
- The danger lay in the court's narrow view of interstate commerce as consisting only goods in transit. 危险在于法院关于州际贸易的观点,太狭隘,认为它只包括运输中的货物。
- Even when Congress has not acted, a state statute may run afoul of the dominant federal interest in the free flow of interstate commerce. 即使国会还没有起作用,一个州法令可能会在州际间的商业自由流通中与占支配地位的联邦利益相冲突。
- One test governs state legislation that discriminates against interstate commerce. 一个检验约束歧视州际商业的州立法。
- In practice, the most important of these federal powers is the power to regulate interstate commerce. 实际上,这些联邦权力中最重要的是对州际商业的约束权。
- The Seventh Circuit found that the ordinance did place a burden on interstate commerce. 第七巡回法庭发现,这项法规的确为州际商业增加了负担。
- The federal government's authority to regulate interstate commerce makes it the predominant force in environmental regulation. 规范美国的州际贸易的职权使得联邦政府在环境规章方面有着突出的影响力。
- The Willis-Graham Act allows telcos to merge with permission of the States and the Interstate Commerce Commission. 威利斯-格雷厄姆法案允许电信公司在州和州际商业委员会的同意下进行合并。
- The statute merely provided that the Interstate Commerce Commission "may, after hearing" issue rules establishing incentive per diem charges for the use of freight cars. 法规仅仅规定州际商业委员会"在听证之后,可以"发布规则,确定使用货车的鼓励收费标准。
- A mining association argued that the Act's principal goal was regulating the use of private lands rather than regulating the effects of coal mining on interstate commerce. 一个开矿协会认为,该法案的主要目标是约束私人土地的使用,而不是约束开矿对州际商业的影响。
- The company took the position that it was not operating in interstate commerce and hence that the NLRB had no jurisdiction. 该公司表明,它没有从事州际间商业活动,因此全国劳资关系委员会对其无管辖权。
- Oil industry supporters may attack a state coastal zone program by showing an impermissible burden on interstate commerce. 石油工业的支持者们可能会证明某个州的沿海区域规划对州商贸交往造成了不允许有的负担,以此来攻击该规划。
- Under this test, the impact of a statute on interstate commerce is balanced against the state's justifications for the statute. 利用这种检验,把某项法令对州际商业的影响与该州制订此项法令的正当理由进行平衡。
- As Justice Stevens noted in his concurrence, the interstate commerce at issue would never have existed except for the state's bounty system. 正如大法官史蒂文斯所指出的,除了该州的补助体制,本案涉及的州际商务问题本不会存在。
- Commerce between the states is regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission, but intrastate commerce is supervised by the states themselves. 美国国内运输管理委员会调节州间的贸易往来,但州内的贸易由各州自行负责监督。
- Justice Stevens noted in his concurrence, the interstate commerce at issue would never have existed except for the state's bounty system. 正如大法官史蒂文斯所指出的,除了该州的补助体制,本案涉及的州际商务问题本不会存在。