- Today, China has the world’s largest number of Internet surfers, according to research firm BDA. 今天,中国拥有世界上人数最多的互联网浏览者,根据研究公司BDA 。
- One common explanation in the blogosphere is that there are so many French Internet surfers to begin with. 在部落格界里,一个常见的说法就是在法国,使用网路的人本来就比别国多。
- This program is sponsored by CFI Networks to compensate faithful internet surfers around the globe. 这个抽奖活动由CFI网络赞助,以回报全球各地的忠实网民。
- College graduates are 16 times as likely to be Internet surfers at home as are those with only elementary school education. 大学毕业的人与只受过小学教育的人相比在家上网数相差16倍。
- College graduates are 16 times as likely to be Internet surfers at home as are those with only elementary school education. 大学毕业的人与只受过小学教育的人相比在家上网数相差16倍。
- College graduates are 16 times as likely to be Internet surfers at home as are those with only elementary ?school education. 大学毕业的人与只受过小学教育的人相比在家上网数相差16倍。
- The problem was that most of AOL's page views were being generated by the firm's subscribers rather than by random internet surfers. 问题是AOL大部分页面浏览来自订购其因特网接入服务的客户,而非任意的因特网浏览者。
- Despite those mixed feelings, the conciseness and liveliness of Internet language continues to attract Internet surfers for making efficient communication. 尽管有各种各样的言论存在,网络语言继续以它的简明与活泼吸引冲浪者进行有效的交流。
- The ministry's General Commission on Terminology and Neology insists internet surfers in France already use the phrase courrier electronique (electronic mail) instead of email. 文化部的语言及新用法委员会坚持认为,应该用"courrier electronique"(法语"电子邮件"的正式说法)代替"email"。
- However, the Internet introduces another concern: Some Internet surfers are bound to go where they have no business and, in so doing, threaten to wipe out data to which they should not have access. 然而,Internet还带来了另一种忧虑:有些Internet上的“冲浪者”一定要进入与他们不相干的地方,这样做的结果是那些他们不应访问的数据有被抹去的危险。
- However,the Internet introduces another concern: Some Internet surfers are bound to go where they have no business and,in so doing,threaten to wipe out data to which they should not have access. 然而,Internet还带来了另一种忧虑:有些Internet上的“冲浪者”一定要进入与他们不相干的地方,这样做的结果是那些他们不应访问的数据有被抹去的危险。
- I found out my grades on the internet at first hand. 我从网络上直接得知我的成绩。
- He knows of about 50 local Senegalese surfers. 他认识50多名当地塞尔加尔冲浪者。
- Internet plays a very important role in modern life. 互联网在现代生活中发挥非常重要的作用。
- The Silver Surfer: All that you know, is at an end. 银影侠:你知道的,这一切终将结束。
- Download netmeeting2.0 for free from Microsoft over the internet. 在Internet上,从Microsoft可免费下载NetMeeting2。0。
- In a typical month, surfers plunk down $640,000. 通常每个月网络赌徒们在此扔下640,000美元。
- The wave curled over the surfer. 波浪从冲浪运动员头上盘旋而过
- But, don't ever try to trick a surfer. 但是,千万不要尝试一种伎俩友。
- The Silver Surfer: All that you know is at an end. 银影侠:你知道的这一切终将结束。