- International Who rs Who 《国际名人录》
- who rs who 名人
- who rs who of society 社会知名人士; 社会名流
- One of the interns who really loves to be pictured. 是一位非常喜欢被拍的实习生.
- Bremen is seeking a replacement for Fabian Ernst, another German international who is leaving at the end of the season as a free agent to join Schalke. 不来梅正在寻找另一名国脚恩斯特的替代者,后者将在本赛季结束后加盟沙尔克04队。
- Belgian international who came through the youth ranks at the club. Scored at home to Internazionale in the UCL last season. 27 years old. 从这个俱乐部青年营出来的比利时国家队成员.;上赛季在主场对UCL的比赛中进球
- It was the icing on the cake for the Wales international who had just received an MBE fromthe Queen in the New Year Honours list. 对这位威尔士国际球员来说,这是锦上添花,他刚刚从女王那里获得英帝国勋章。
- It was the England international who initiated a counter-attack and then finished it with a close range back-flick to break the deadlock at Blackburn. 正是这位英格兰左翼球员发起的一次反击,并由他自己近距离的巧妙弹射敲开了布莱克本的大门,从而打破了场上的僵局。
- He's an Argentina international who has graced La Liga with fantastic goals and sublime technique - but what else do you know about our new winger? 他是阿根廷国脚,他曾经在西甲打进许多漂亮的进球,他拥有叹为观止的技术,但是你了解我们的新加盟边锋多少呢?
- The intern who complained probably logged off, and then had settings overwritten when another intern logged off. 抱怨的实习生大概已经注销,而他的设定在另一个实习生注销时被覆盖。
- WHO is in the process of procuring 5,000,000 water-treatment tablets and two international WHO epidemiologists are being deployed to support the Ministry of Health in Iraq. 世卫组织正在着手采购500万片水处理药片,而且正在派遣两名世卫组织国际流行病学家以支持伊拉克卫生部。
- Gary Condit, whose career imploded when it came out that he had been involved with Chandra Levy, an intern who was murdered. 他的政治生涯也是灰飞烟灭了,因为他被曝光与自己的实习生桑德娜列维有一腿,而且列维被人谋杀了(康迪特议员一度是主要被怀疑对象)。
- Lawyers can avoid most alternative billing headaches through careful planning, said Rees Morrison, a consultant with Hildebrandt International who advises legal departments. 通过细心规划,律师可以避免另类结算带来的许多令人头痛的地方,ReesMorrison说,其为HildebrandtInternational法律部门提供法律咨询的咨询律师。
- the WHO rs representative in China 世界卫生组织驻中国代表
- And that's not forgetting Gerrard, Babel, Degen, Hyypia and Voronin, all internationals who for one reason or another were not there. 也请不要忘记杰拉德,巴贝尔,德根,海皮亚和沃罗宁,这些国脚由于某些原因没有出现在阵容中。
- WHO rs head of public information in the Western Pacific region 世卫组织西太平洋地区办事处发言人
- the WHO rs regional director for the Western Pacific 世卫组织西太平洋区主任
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。
- International Who's Who in Music 国际音乐名人录