- International Paper Shorewood Packaging Kunshan Co. 国际纸业成立于1898年。
- Members of the group include DuPont, Ford Motor Company, International Paper, and Motorola. 这个组织的成员包括杜邦、福特汽车公司、国际纸业以及摩托罗拉公司。
- The purchase will give International Paper nearly 30 percent of North American's containerboard production. 此次收购将使国际纸业近三成北美的纸板生产。
- International Paper was originally founded in 1898;its global headquarter is in Memphis, Tenn.USA. 成立于1898年的国际纸业,总部设于美国田纳西州孟菲斯。
- Other tests of warehouse and in-store inventory systems continue, by Procter &Gamble, Canon, and International Paper. 但有些公司则继续进行仓储与店内库存系统的测试,比如宝碱、佳能与国际纸业公司。
- International Paper is a U.S. fortune 100 company established in 1898 and is the largest paper and forest products company in the world. 国际纸业公司成立于1898年,是美国财富百强公司和世界上最大的纸制品和森林产品公司。
- Founded in 1929, SCA was a famous international paper manufacturing company with its headquarter in Stockholm in Sweden. SCA成立于1929年,是一家国际著名的纸制品企业,总部位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩.
- SCA Brief Founded in 1929, SCA was a famous international paper manufacturing company with its headquarter in Stockholm in Sweden. SCA成立于1929年,是一家国际著名的纸制品企业,总部位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩。
- Prior to the shutdown of Albany No. 2, International Paper's North American containerboard production is about 11 million tons per year. 之前关机奥尔巴尼第2号,国际纸业北美纸板产量约1100万吨以上。
- Verso Paper, the spin-off of International Paper's coated paper business, is privately held by Apollo Management, another big player in private equity. 科罗维纸,附带的国际纸业的铜版纸业务,是一家私人持有的阿波罗管理公司,另一个伟大的球员在私人股本。
- The foundation of Shorewood Kunshan is an important step to support the growth of International Paper in the Asian market. 舒尔物德昆山厂的成立是国际纸业分步骤地促进亚洲市场的发展的重要一步。
- International Paper is in the process of buying Weyerhaeuser Co's containerboard business for US$6bn, and Faraci says he expects the sale to close in the third quarter. 国际纸业是的过程中,惠好公司购买的纸板业务的美国60亿美元,与法拉奇说,他预计销售在第三季度完成。
- International Paper has agreed to sell its Arizona Chemical business to Rhone Capital III L.P. for approximately $485 million, subject to certain adjustments. 国际纸业公司已同意出售其亚利桑那化工企业罗讷资本三唱片约四点八五零亿美元,受某些调整。
- If the price of International Paper increases by two points, the DJI would increase by 13.7 points assuming none of the other stock values changed (13.7 =2/ 0.14585278). 如果国际纸业的股票价格增加2点,那么,假设其他股票价格保持不变,则道琼斯指数就会增加13.;7点(用2除以0
- Apollo Management affiliate CMP holdings snapped up the web coated paper mills of International Paper (IP), forming a new company, Verso Paper, in 2006. 阿波罗管理公司持有的子公司博闻收购了网上涂布纸工厂的国际纸业( IP ) ,形成一个新的公司,科罗维纸,在2006年。
- "We're very proud to be recognized as one of the world's most ethical companies," said John Faraci, International Paper chairman and chief executive officer. “我们很自豪能够成为公认的世界上最道德的公司表示, ”法拉奇,国际纸业公司董事长兼首席执行长。
- "The formation of this 50:50 joint venture is a real strategic milestone for International Paper," said International Paper Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Faraci. “成立这个合资企业50:50是一个真正的战略里程碑,国际纸业表示, ”国际纸业公司董事长兼首席执行长约翰?法拉奇。
- International Paper Company, one of Fortune 500 and based in the United States, is the largest paper producer in the world, providing packaging equipment, paper container and forest products. 全球财富500强之一的美国国际纸业公司是世界上最大的纸业制造商之一,并提供包装设备,纸质包装容器及林木业产品。
- If the height and width isn't found, the internal paper size table is searched again with the width and height reversed. 如果找不到匹配的高度和宽度,则会将宽度和高度互换后再次搜索该纸张大小的内部表。
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。