- What is the International Monetary System? 什么是国际货币制度?
- The Euro: a Stabilising Factor of the International Monetary System. 欧元:国际货币体系的稳定因素。
- The international monetary system has entered an era of multi reserve currencies since the collapse of Bretton Woods. 布雷顿森林体系解体后,国际货币体系进入了多元储备货币时代。
- The convertibility of currency is a main topic of the international monetary system. 货币自由兑换即货币可兑换性,是指一种货币兑换成别种货币或支付手段的能力。
- The launching of euro and the completion of the EMU will be instrumental in reshaping the international monetary system, principally by making it more balanced and symmetrical. 欧元的发行和欧洲货币联盟的形成将在世界货币体系重新整合的过程中发挥至关重要的作用。这主要表现在使该体系更为平衡和对称。
- Its unreasonableness lies in a weak international monetary system, the parochial financial hegemony, and unrestricted flows of international financial capital. 其不合理性主要表现在脆弱的国际货币制度、狭隘的国际金融霸权和国际金融资本无序流动等三个方面。
- While I generally understand the way foreign exchange markets work, I am not sure exactly what the International Monetary System is. 虽然我对于外汇市场的机制有了大概的了解,但是对于什么是国际货币制度这个问题还是不十分清楚。
- Mundell believes gold could be used as a reserve asset in a reformed international monetary system for the 21st century. 他认为,在本世纪改革后的国际货币体系中,黄金可以作为一种储备资产存在。
- Developing Countries have to prefer pegging regimes since they are in a disadvantageous position in the international monetary system. 摘要发展中国家由于在国际货币体系中处于不利地位,因此显示出“偏好”钉住汇率制度的倾向。
- Hwa said the proposals by Zhou and others could help bring about a perfect storm that would reshape the international monetary system in the long run. 但是,要说服私人公司使用特别提款权作为国际贸易和商品价格,需要几年的时间。而且,来自美国方面的反对也是一大障碍。
- The launching of euro and the completion of the EMU will be instrumental in reshaping the international monetary system,principally by making it more balanced and symmetrical. 欧元的发行和欧洲货币联盟的形成将在世界货币体系重新整合的过程中发挥至关重要的作用。这主要表现在使该体系更为平衡和对称。
- The NAB is a loan facility to provide the IMF with supplementary resources to forestall or cope with an impairment of the international monetary system. 新借贷安排是一项融资安排,为基金组织提供额外资源,以预防或应付危害国际货币体系的情况。
- The international monetary system would have to adapted in such a way that the less-developed countries would have more Special Drawing Rights at their disposal. 要求对国际货币体系进行修改以便较不发达国家能有更多的特别提款权。
- U.S. sub-loan crisis was allowed to shake three of the world shake, so the power of the root causes is still a dollar-based international monetary system. 美国的次贷危机之所以能让世界抖三抖,威力如此之大的根本原因就在于现在还是一个以美元为本位的国际货币体系。
- "Father of Euro" said the Nobel laureate in economics Robert Mundell, a few days ago called for in U.S. dollars to rebuild the center of the international monetary system. 有“欧元之父”之称的诺贝尔经济学奖获得者蒙代尔日前就呼吁要重建以美元为中心的国际货币体系。
- The channels of interdependence depend, in turn, on the monetary and exchange rate arrangementsthat countries adopted-a set of institutions called the international monetary system. 国际间进行各种交易支付所采用的一系列安排和惯例;以及支配各国货币关系的一套规则和机构。
- Under the recent international monetary system, namely the Pan-Bretton Woods system of the dollar asset standard, the center country U.S. and Asian periphery countries has reached a win-win status. 在现行国际货币体系即以资产为本位的泛布雷顿森林体系下,中心国家美国和外围亚洲国家形成了双赢的局面。
- Course contents include the basic concept of Money and Banking, financial intermediaries, central banks &monetary policy, moentary and interest theory, financial market and international monetary system. 课程内容涵盖基本概念介绍,金融媒介机构,中央银行与货币政策,货币与利率理论,金融市场及国际货币制度等重要课题之阐述。
- The term International Monetary System actually refers to a series of agreements among the major governments and their central banks to bring order and stability to the international exchange markets. "国际货币制度"这一术语实际上是指为了维护国际外汇市场的秩序和稳定,一些影响较大的政府和中央银行之间所签订的一系列协定。
- The use of Euro set an example of regional monetary integration, which marked a new developing period of international monetary system after the Gold Standard, Bretton Woods System and Jamaica System. 欧元的启动开创了区域货币一体化的先例,标志着国际货币体系在历经了金本位、布雷顿森林体系和牙买加体系的风雨沧桑后进入了国际区域货币发展的新时期。