- International Democrat Union 国际民主人士联盟
- International Democratic Union 国际民主联盟
- Under the patriotism, a virility feminie formed a democratic union. 在爱国主义的精神下,具有男子气概的妇女组成了一个民主联盟。
- Women's International Democratic Federation(WIDF)decided to celebrate the Children's Day on June 1st each year. 国际民主妇女联合会于1949年决定每年的6月1日为国际儿童节。
- Before a cruel and ruthless Empire supplanted it, the Old Republic was the democratic union that governed a galaxy for thousands of years. 在一位残暴的和无序的帝国取代之前,旧联邦是一个统治了银河系达数千年的民主的联盟。
- THE Christian Democratic Union (CDU) ruled Hesse and Lower Saxony before the state elections on January 27th.It remains the largest party in both. 在1月27日之前,基督教民主联盟一直掌握着黑森和萨克森两州的支持率。
- After Cold War, international democratization broke through the shackles of bipolarity and showed an unobstructable trend. 冷战结束后,国际关系民主化最终摆脱两极格局的束缚,表现出不可抗拒的发展态势。
- Sanader, 56, head of the conservative Croatian Democratic Union, became prime minister in 2003 and won re-election in 2007. 萨纳德今年56岁,是克罗地亚民主联盟的领导人。2003年,萨纳德当选克罗地亚总理;2007年他又获得连任。
- It came after three state elections had given a glimmer of hope to the SPD, trailing Ms Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) by over ten points. 三州选举结果拖了默克尔的基民盟十多个百分点的后腿,这让社民党看到了些许希望之光。
- Studies of people who voted show that the ruling Social Democratic Party tied with the opposition Christian Democratic Union Party. 通过调查选民显示,执政的社民党与在野党基督教民主联盟党平分秋色。
- However, multipolarization and international democratization with the same origin of bipolarity, twisted together historically, and formed a new relation of mutual motivation. 然而,同源于两极格局中的多极化与国际关系民主化,又历史性的交织在了一起,形成了相互推动,相互发展的新型互动关系。
- But the Christian Social Union (CSU), the Bavarian wing of Ms Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), has seized on the proposed new law to pander to Eurosceptic voters. 但是基督教社会联盟和总统默克尔女士的基督教民主联盟的巴伐利亚邦利用新的立法提案来迎合反亲欧派选民。
- Ms Merkel is from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), but her grand-coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party (SPD), also disappoints pro-Europeans. 默克尔女士是基督教民主联盟(CDU)的成员,而与CDU联合执政的社会民主党(SPD)在欧盟一体化的支持者中也不得民心。
- And she is hobbled politically because her centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is in a “grand coalition” with the centre-left Social Democratic Party (SPD). 并且她正受到自己所在的中右翼的基督教民主联盟(基民盟)与中左翼的社会民主党(社民党)组成的“大联盟”的困扰。
- There were also shootings and gunmen reported elsewhere in ethnic-Albanian areas, including near the headquarters of the Democratic Union for Integration party. 在阿族居住的其他地区也出现枪击和武装分子的报导,其中包括靠近融合民主联盟总部的地方。
- Mr Schreiber was a key figure behind illegal payments to Germany's Christian Democratic Union, and also made cash payments to Brian Mulroney, a former Canadian prime minister. 薛瑞柏是德国基民盟非法款项背后的关键人物,曾向加拿大前总理穆罗尼支付现金款项。
- The “grand coalition” of Germany's two biggest parties, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the left-leaning Social Democratic Party (SPD), has been voted out of office. 德国两个最大的政党基督教民主联盟和左倾社会民主党的“大联合”被选下了台。
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。
- That is a great international question of the day. 那是当代的一个重大国际问题。