- The new Spanish language site was unveiled today at the 16th International AIDS Conference in Toronto, Canada. 这一全新的西班牙语网站于今天在加拿大多伦多市举行的第16届国际艾滋病大会上宣布开通。
- The promise came in the runup to the 16th International AIDS Conference, opening in the Canadian city of Toronto on Sunday. 该承诺是在周六,加拿大多伦多市召开的第十六届国际艾滋病大会上确定的。
- The Aids conference will be held in Glasgow. 艾滋病研讨会将在格拉斯哥举行。
- International AIDS Conference 国际艾滋病会议
- They've made an urgent request for international aid. 他们紧急请求国际援助。
- South Africa launched the tests last week as the International AIDS Society held a conference in Cape Town. 上周,国际爱滋病协会在开普敦举办了新闻发布会,且南非开始了这些实验。
- In a speech given at the international AIDS vaccine conference held in South Africa, Hogan urged researchers and scientists to step up their efforts in finding a new AIDS vaccine. 在南非举行的国际艾滋病疫苗大会发表的讲话中,霍根鼓励研究人员和科学家们投入更多心血来研制新的艾滋病疫苗。
- AIDS-Official Journal of the International Aids Society. 国际艾滋病协会官方期刊的网站,资源丰富。
- Inverness Medical will be showcasing the new Determine Combo test at the International AIDS Society Conference 2009 in Capetown, South Africa, 19-22 July on stand #203. 因弗内斯医疗将会在南非开普敦7月19至22日国际艾滋病协会2009年会展示的新的确诊组合检测。
- The main organizing group is the International AIDS Society. 大会主要的承办者是国际艾滋病协会。
- According to an AP report, Lunnuokesi will represent the civil relief agencies OXFAM (Oxfam) on the 3rd in Mexico City to attend the opening of the 17th World AIDS Conference. 据美联社报道,伦诺克斯将代表民间救援机构牛津饥馑救济委员会(乐施会)出席3日在墨西哥城开幕的第17届世界艾滋病大会。
- Dongbei Wang Hegang September 9, yesterday morning, the city's AIDS conference in the Municipal Public Health Bureau held the seventh floor conference room. 东北网鹤岗9月9日电 昨日上午,全市防治艾滋病工作会议在市卫生局7楼会议室召开。
- Become clearer. Our contributions are given to international aid agencies, or. 我们通过国际救援组织或直接向受灾国政府提供援助。
- More international aid is finally on the way to victims of Myanmar's cyclone. 更多的国际救援物资终于被允许进入缅甸的飓风受灾区。
- Soria attending the 17th World AIDS Conference, said that such operations aimed at treating AIDS patients or virus carriers from the use of anti-retroviral drugs caused facial fat metabolism disorder. 索里亚在出席第17届世界艾滋病大会时说,这种手术旨在治疗艾滋病患者或病毒携带者因使用抗逆转录药物而引发的面部脂肪代谢紊乱。
- The original International AIDS Candlelight Memorial was held in 1983, when the cause of AIDS was unknown and no more than a few thousand AIDS deaths had been recorded. 第一次举办国际性的艾滋病烛光纪念日活动是在1983年,在当时人们还不知道艾滋病的病因,而且对该病导致的死亡率也没有任何记载。
- Announced at the International AIDS Vaccine failure are non-replicating protein vaccine vector vaccine, belonging to the dead vaccine. 国际上宣布失败的艾滋病疫苗均为蛋白疫苗或非复制型载体疫苗,属于死疫苗。
- Announced at the International AIDS Vaccine failure are non-replicating protein vaccine vector vaccine, a "dead vaccine. 国际上宣布失败的艾滋病疫苗均为蛋白疫苗或非复制型载体疫苗,属于“死疫苗”。
- A successful HI accine is at least a decade away, the International Aids accine Initiatie for Southern Africa (IAI) said. 南非国际艾滋病疫苗促进会(IAI)表示,至少还要花10年时间才能研制成功HI疫苗。
- Japan was one of the first countries to respond to appeals for international aid. 受灾的亚洲国家呼吁国际社会提供支援,日本是最早做出回应的国家之一。