- Energy Transfer within the Small-Scale Oceanic Internal Wave Spectrum 在小尺度海洋内部波谱中能量输送
- Internal wave spectra 内波谱
- Design of high sensitive shadowgraph system for internal wave visualization[J]. 引用该论文 张明照;王伯雄;罗秀芝;刘国忠;刘振江;余超.
- A boundary of the model's wave spectrum is obtained by the use of self nested method. 利用自嵌套的方式,提供模式波谱边界条件;
- Venation wave spectrum analysis finds out shape-structure change of mid-frequency signal fluctuation. 脉络波谱图分析查明了中范围(频率)信号波动的形态结构变化。
- Chapter 3 obtains the retrieval of parameters of wind above sea surface and ocean wave spectra from simulated narrow beam HF radar backscatter, gives the simulate results. 第三章通过数值模拟的窄波束高频(HF)雷达的海面回波多普勒谱,反演了海面风场、浪高谱等海态参数,并详细介绍了反演的方法、步骤,给出了模拟结果。
- The third and forth parameters are the size of the internal wave buffers and the number of buffers to allocate. 第三个参数和第四个参数是关于内部音频缓冲区的大小和分配的个数。
- Tannuri E A, Sparano J V, Simos A N,et al.Estimating directional wave spectrum based on stationary ship motion measurements. 马志良;罗德涛;主编.;近海移动式平台
- At present the research of the deep water tractive current deposition mainly focus on contourite and internal tide, internal wave deposition. 目前深水牵引流沉积的研究主要集中于等深流沉积和内潮汐、内波沉积。
- Using the above relations, this paper has compared several wave spectrum formular with actual spectrum, and the result is satisfactory. 同时用上述关系式对目前工程上常用的几种海浪谱计算公式进行了对比分析,并与实测谱进行了比较,结果表明所得关系式与实际拟合良好。
- By analyzing the reflectivity spectrum and reflection wave spectrum of thin beds, we put forward a new method for thickness determination of the thin beds. 作者通过研究地层厚度变化对地层本身的反射系数谱及反射波频谱的影响规律,寻找到了一种新的计算薄层厚度的方法。
- The test result indicate that it is able to competent at wave simulation of sea wave spectrum for shipmodel test,and can simulate different wave spectrum in different request. 实验数据的分析结果表明,该造波机完全可以胜任船模耐波性试验的要求,并且还可以根据需要模拟不同的海浪谱,模拟精度达到了实验的要求。
- Davidson M A, Huntley D A and Bird P A D. A practical method for the estimation of directional wave spectra in reflective wave fields[J]. Coastal Engineering, 1998,33, 91-116. 302-311. 三传感器波浪水槽二次反射主动吸收方法是加拿大科学院水力中心最近开发的一种水槽反射波控制技术。
- Can near-inertial internal waves in the East Sea be observed by synthetic aperture radar? 通过人造孔径雷达能观测到东海接近惯性内部波吗?
- In this experiment, typical pycnocline-type profiles are employed, and the internal waves are generated by a wave maker designed by the authors. 实验中的密度分层采用典型跃层型剖面,而内波是由自行研制的造波机生成。
- Reply to comment by Q. Zheng on "Can near-inertial internal waves in the East Sea be observed by synthetic aperture radar? Zheng回答对“用合成孔径雷达能观测东海近-惯性内波吗?”的评论?
- In this paper, we present the basic principle of dual flap wave-maker and the producing of driving signal firstly, and then the influence of two distinct FFT methods with the same wave signal to the primary parameters of wave spectrum. 摘要叙述了采用双摇板造波系统的基本思想及双摇板造波信号的生成,并分析了同一波浪信号用不同谱分析法对所得主要谱参数的影响。
- Internal waves, far below the surface, develop between water masses that have different densities and between which there is relative motion. 在海洋深处,内部形成的浪滔在拥有不同密度而且彼此间有着相对运动的水体中产生。
- Conclusion High-quality wave spectrum depends on high uniformity of magnetic field.The value of full width at half maxium is an important factor that reflects the uniformity of magnetic field. 结论 获得高质量的波谱,需要较高的磁场均匀度,而半高宽是反映均匀度的一个重要指标。
- Particularly, it is the first time that the role of the horizontal part of Coriolis force played in the propagation of internal waves was studied. 首次研究了科氏力水平分量对内波传播的影响。